Geotech PA23 Accelerometer Response

These responses are for the S-230 (1 component), PA-23 (three-component surface), and PA-23BH (3-component borehole) accelerometers.

PA23 Sensitivities

Nominal sensitivity in V/m/s**2 is

G in V/m/(s*s) = [Full scale voltage / Clip level] / [9.80665 m/(g * s**2)].

For accelerometers having other clip values (0.5, 1.0 or 2.0g), you can modify the response below by replacing 0.25493 V/m/s**2 in the stage 1 gain in blockette 58 with the sensitivity calculated above.

Manufacturer Model Period / Frequency Sensitivity (V/m/s**2) Full Scale Voltage Clip Level RESP Filename Source Comments
Geotech PA23 0-0.01 s / DC->100 Hz 0.2549 V/M/S**2 +/-10V +/-4g RESP.XX.NS328..BNZ.PA23.DC_100.10V.4G Geotech

Mary Templeton 10/16/2012