IRIS Mapping Tools

Event Maps



Earthquake Maps
Event maps are available for the past 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days, and 1 year.
Event Maps    |  View Make map options




Google Map Service (GMS) Seismic Monitor
The Google Map generator creates maps based on IRIS DMC metadata holdings. Requesting data directly from the IRIS DMC Oracle database the GMS creates dynamic station maps that can be panned and zoomed. The GMS can produce network, single station or arbitrary station set maps. Users can generate a kml file to view stations in Google Earth.
GMS   |  Learn more



Seismic Monitor

IRIS Earthquake Browser (IEB)
The IEB combines the DMC's large database of earthquakes with the popular Google Maps web interface. The IEB is useful both educationally and as a research tool. With the IEB you can quickly find earthquakes in any region of the globe and then import this information into the GEON Integrated Data Viewer (IDV) where the hypocenters may be visualized in three dimensions.
IEB   |  Learn more