Files for the Gulf of California Oblique Seismic Experiment (COSE) at Hole 485A on DSDP Leg 65 Tom Bolmer 05/07/18 This data set has SEGY files for the active Gulf of California Oblique Seismic Experiment (COSE) conducted at Hole 485A on DSDP Leg 65. There is a directory of the SEGY file by line shot. There is a directory of plots for each line with the 3 Borehole Seismometer channels plotted and the location of those shots relative to the borehole. There is also a directory of documentation for these data. This cruise was processed before my working with these data. I am not sure how they were processed. The ROSE data that I found to preserve does not have all of the header words fully filled in. There is no Latitude or Longitude for the shot location. The ranges are not in all of the files. In some files the azimuth to the shot from the drill hole is passed in the range words' locations. In several lines the ranges do not look to be the same as the published shot locations but look to be several kilometers too far away. Some of the ROSE files had 4 channels and some had 6. I am not able see why this is. The fourth channel could conceivably be the blast phone channel over the side of the Glomar Challenger. Also, the order of these channels seems to be different for the different lines. Not all of the shots are here from the original experiment. The missing files can not be found. This data set is not complete or even fully consistent within it's self. For the user to be sure of ranges I highly suggest that they derive this from the shot location figure in the DSDP paper included in the docs directory. SEGY Directory with the SEGY files plots Directory with plots of the data and the cruise tracks for each line docs Directory of documentation for this data set. And, supporting ASCII lists for each shot.