Data Services Newsletter

Volume 12 : No 2 : Fall 2010

SAC Manual - New Version

Announcing the SAC Users Guide, available on the IRIS DMC website.

Screenshot of the SAC Users Guide
Figure 1: Screenshot of the SAC Users Guide

SAC (Seismic Analysis Code), previously SAC2000, is a general-purpose interactive program designed for the study of sequential signals, especially time-series data. Emphasis has been placed on analysis tools used by research seismologists in the detailed study of seismic events.


The SAC manual contains general information for the new user about what SAC can do, how it works, and how to get started. It also contains detailed information for the more experienced user on topics such as how to use SAC macros, how to read and write SAC data files from C or FORTRAN programs, and how the SAC program is structured.

You can get to the online manual through the following link:

SAC Manual

Other SAC Manuals

  • A Tutorial Guide For New Users which explains the basic SAC commands with examples for you to try as you read.
  • Commands_Reference Manual which contains detailed descriptions of each SAC command including purpose, syntax, default values, and examples. This manual also contains lists of SAC commands sorted alphabetically and functionally.
  • Spectral_Estimation_Subprocess Manual which describes a subprocess for the study of stationary random processes. A subprocess is like a small separate program within the main SAC program.
  • Signal_Stacking_Subprocess Manual which describes a subprocess for performing signal stacking with delays, traveltimes, and record section plots.

Update Policy

The manual will be periodically updated to include new descriptions and to revise old ones. Please report any errors in this manual to:

sac-help AT – SAC Help Mailing List

This will help keep it as accurate and current as possible.

by Tim Knight (IRIS Data Management Center)

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