Data Services Newsletter

Volume 12 : No 2 : Fall 2010

Alex Hutko - Product Specialist

I recently started working at the DMC as a product specialist, which means I get to develop/implement data products and research tools that facilitate seismology research. Ever thought to yourself that it would be nice if someone with access to all the data and resources would put together X? Well, we’re the guys that are starting to do that. Being at the DMC with all of the data at my finger tips is a treat as is working with the dedicated staff here. I feel lucky to have learned and applied my trade at UCSD, UCSC, NEIC and now the DMC. My background in seismology is deep mantle imaging, array processing, source location and rupture imaging.

In Colorado my favorite hobby was running up mountains in knee deep snow with my roomate’s dog, here in Seattle I’ve become fond of running in the rain around lakes. I also enjoy backpacking, any sport, exercising and buffets and am an Olympics, World Cup and data junkie.

Photo of Alex Hutko

by Alex Hutko (IRIS Data Management Center)

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