Status of Apollo Lunar Active Seismic Experiment Data at IRIS
This is to let you know that data collected during the Active Seismic Experiment (ASE) during the Apollo missions is now available from the IRIS DMC in SEGY format. The Apollo missions included scientific experiments on the Moon dedicated to seismic exploration and consisted of both passive and active instruments. You can read more about this on the web using links like The active seismic experiments included the use of three different sources fired either while the astronauts were on the Moon or remotely after they had departed. The active data are now available in SEG-Y format and accompanied with with a corresponding table or spreadsheet. Data is distributed in 5 tar files and contains: 13 files of Apollo 14 thumper data, 19 files of Apollo 16 thumper data, 3 files of Apollo 16 thumper data, 3 files of Apollo 16 grenade data, and 8 files of Apollo 17 explosive package data, excel information sheets and report. The link to the reports is and the form for requesting these data is where the assembled data set number is referred to as “10-006” and is filled in for you.
by Rick Benson (IRIS-DMC)