Data Services Newsletter

Volume 18 : No 3 : Winter 2016

IRIS Data Services is now designated as ICSU World Data System Member

IRIS Data Services became a member of the World Data System (WDS) on November 23, 2011. WDS is a part of the International Congress of Scientific Unions (ICSU). IRIS was the first full regular member of the WDS as it transitioned away from the previous World Data Center system. IRIS is now celebrating its 5 year anniversary as a WDS member.

As a member of the WDS it means IRIS has met all of the Core Trustworthy Data Repository Requirements. (Please see the linked PDF for more information.) ICSU/WDS provides a logo and an online presence that users can refer to for more information, and is now included within emails when researchers request data. We hope that this continues to foster your trust and continued patronage of all that IRIS Data Services has to offer.

Core Trustworthy Data Repositories Requirements

by Rick Benson (IRIS-DMC)

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