The Data Services Newsletter is a quarterly online publication that focuses on the data and services available through the Data Management System. Each newsletter highlights new and existing data access tools, data types, projects and features of the NSF SAGE Facility.
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- Feature Article
- IRIS DMC Office Move
- Project Focus
- FDSNWS-Station: XML Version 1.1.40
- Evolving standards and their impact on researchers
- Products
- EMC and Programmatic Access to the Earth Models
- Web Update
- FDSN Availability Web Service
- Staff Highlight
- Dr Tim Ahern Retires- Data Services Director for 30 years
- Autumn Johnson - Software Engineer
- Feature Article
- Mars InSight mission data from SEIS - Now OPEN to the public
- Data Access
- Retirement of full SEED Data Volumes from IRIS DMC
- ROVER - A new tool to robustly access data sets
- Products
- Surface-Wave Radiation Patterns
- Quality Assurance
- ISPAQ V2.0 - Improvements to the IRIS System for Portable Assessment of Quality
- Web Update
- Federated MetaData Aggregator (MDA)
- Staff Highlight
- Jerry A Carter - Director of Data Services