The Data Services Newsletter is a quarterly online publication that focuses on the data and services available through the Data Management System. Each newsletter highlights new and existing data access tools, data types, projects and features of the NSF SAGE Facility.
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- Feature Article
- Basic Object Oriented Programming (BOOT) Camp
- Program Spotlight
- A Review of the IRIS DMC Web Search Engine
- Node Focus
- Albuquerque Seismic Lab Update
- Data Access
- ew2mseed - Getting Earthworm data to data centers
- Software
- New SeismiQuery Event Search Feature
- Staff Highlight
- Bruce Weertman - Real Time Systems Software Engineer
- Feature Article
- Organization of Data Holdings at the IRIS DMC
- Program Spotlight
- BUD - an online Buffer of Uniform Data and how it works
- Data Access
- What happened to FISSURES? Or exactly what is the Data Handling Interface?
- Software
- New at Harvard University Waveform Quality Center
- New at IDA
- An update on the progress of the POND/FARM data archive
- Staff Highlight
- Chris Laughbon - Senior Software Engineer
- Feature Article
- IRIS DMC Data Transcription
- Program Spotlight
- BUD: An On-line Buffer of Real Time Data
- Node Focus
- Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory Finds a Home
- Software
- Staff Highlight
- Robert Casey - Software Engineer
- Feature Article
- Upgrade of the DMS Mass Storage System
- Program Spotlight
- Data Handling Infrastructure at the IRIS DMC
- POND and WILBER II: Transition to a more dynamic event dataset
- Education and Public Outreach
- The music of earthquakes
- Node Focus
- University of South Carolina
- Software
- New Sync tools
- Staff Highlight
- Deborah Barnes - Information Services Coordinator