Data Services Newsletter

Volume 3 : No 4 : December 2001

Basic Object Oriented Programming (BOOT) Camp


The IRIS DMS is developing new data services that leverage distributed computing technologies. Several previous articles in the IRIS DMS Electronic Newsletter have highlighted different aspects of this new Data Handling Interface (DHI) technology.

We are fully aware that members of the seismological community are using newer object-oriented approaches in their work as well. IRIS, under the FISSURES initiative, is offering one way to coordinate these object-oriented developments by defining a standard set of object classes relevant to seismology.

The IRIS DHI currently has three distinct types of services established at the IRIS DMC. These provide ways for distributed clients to receive information about

  • seismic events (Event Service),
  • seismic recording channels (Network Service), and
  • seismograms (Waveform Service)

by interacting through the DHI model. As indicated in the first article listed above, the DMS is supporting the development of 6 different client-side applications that comply with the FISSURES/DHI model. We wish to encourage others that already develop in the object-oriented environment to learn how to work within the FISSURES model.

For this reason, the IRIS DMS wishes to survey our community to see if there is significant interest in participating in a workshop hosted by IRIS. If you currently program in an object oriented language ( e.g. Java, C++) and are interested in attending a 5 day workshop hosted by IRIS sometime in the late spring, please fill out this simple form (no longer available). (Deadline for expressing interest is January 15, 2002)

If enough interest is expressed we will contact you directly early next year with registration information. Remember, the BOOT Camp is not intended to teach you object-oriented programming but rather the fundamentals of the FISSURES/DHI data model.

by Tim Ahern (IRIS Data Management Center)

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