Data Services Newsletter

Volume 9 : No 1 : March 2007

New Networks at the DMC

Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA)

Real-time data from seven (7) broadband stations operated by the JMA began arriving to the DMC on Feb 19, 2007. The FDSN network code assigned is JP, and details can be found on


Network JP
Figure 1: Network JP

Northeastern United States Regional Broadband Network

The broadband regional network data produced by the Weston Observatory in Boston (NE network) began archiving on December 15, 2006, when the metadata were compiled by DMC staff and verified by personnel at Weston. Currently, 10 stations are archived in real-time These data are collected using the Earthworm monitoring system.


Network NE
Figure 2: Network NE

Northern Arizona Seismic Network

Data from the AR network became available through a mechanism we call “piggy-backing” from the University of Utah network system, using the Earthworm system. This term refers to the fact that the DMC doesn’t access the waveservers in Arizona, but cooperatively manage them with Univ of Utah. These data are symbiotic to the UU network, and expanded their network reach to the south. The metadata were written by DMS staff using calibration sheets provided by Univ of Utah staff, which allowed data from Feb 21, 2003 to be archived. The data stopped flowing on Dec 5, 2006, when the computer failed at the originating site in Flagstaff at Northern Arizona University, and the future status is unknown. 8 stations operated and flowed using the AR network code.


Network AR
Figure 3: Network AR

Pacific Northwest Seismic Network- PNSN

Strong motion data began flowing into the DMC archive on February 17, 2007, when 100hz data from 65 sites were made available using Earthworm software. Currently there are now 218 stations being collected in real-time from the UW, the total of both the short period station and these new strong motion. The channel codes for these 3-component strong motion data is either ENE, ENN, and/or ENZ.


Network UW
Figure 4: Network UW

Portuguese National Seismic Network

Real-time data from two stations operating in Portugal became available on Feb 22, 2007. The broadband data are being incorporated into the FDSN archive using SeisComp (SeedLink) software. 3 data streams are available: 100hz, 20hz, and 1hz from CMG-3T’s.


Network PM
Figure 5: Network PM

US Bureau of Reclamation Seismic Network

Data from the RE network are now available from the IRIS archive. These data are from small aperture networks in close proximity to dams in Colorado and Wyoming (the Intermountain West region). The preliminary metadata were written by DMC staff and are denoted as “nominal/uncomfirmed” by using a station comment. The data in the archive now date from Aug 10, 2002, with 10 real-time stations continuing to be imported through the Earthworm system.


Network RE
Figure 6: Network RE

by Rick Benson (IRIS Data Management Center)

09:23:17 v.af9cd46b