Software Downloads – evalresp v. 4.0.6


Evaluate response information and output to ASCII files using RESP files and StationXML files


evalresp can be used to calculate either the complex spectral response or the frequency-amplitude-phase response for a specified station or set of stations, channel or channels, and network, for a specified date, time and frequency, using the SEED ASCII response (RESP) files or the new StationXML format as produced by the FDSN Station Web Service.

The major changes in this release (since 3.3.3):

  • Support for StationXML formatted files using the -x flag
  • Handling of location ID ‘??’ which is now equivalent to ‘*’
  • The xml2resp command to convert from station.xml to response format
  • Support for COUNT units and temperature in degrees C
  • Processing of blockette 62 polynomial response
  • Redefined processing of DECIMATION as correction applied minus calculated delay
  • MODIFIED: Redifined processing of DECIMATION with —use-estimated-delay as estimated delay


SEED Readers , SEED Response Evaluation Tools , SEED Tools

External Developers

  • Andrew Cooke, Instrumental Software Technologies, Inc (ISTI)
  • Ilya Dricker, Instrumental Software Technologies, Inc (ISTI)
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