Software Downloads – SAC


Version 1 Breaklog 2 Language(s) Release date Group(s)










The IRIS DMC distributes the Seismic Analysis Code (SAC) software for scientists conducting research using IRIS data. You must register with an online form to receive the SAC software.


SAC (Seismic Analysis Code) is a general purpose interactive program designed for the study of sequential signals, especially time series data. Emphasis has been placed on analysis tools used by research seismologists in the detailed study of seismic events. Analysis capabilities include general arithmetic operations, Fourier transforms, three spectral estimation techniques, IIR and FIR filtering, signal stacking, decimation, interpolation, correlation, and seismic phase picking. SAC also contains an extensive graphics capability.

The SAC help files have been composited into a manual in two formats: HTML and PDF.

SAC v102.0 includes double-precision for both time and distance calculations using header variables, and does so in a way that maximizes compatibility so that existing SAC data files can still be used. There is a detailed discussion in the section on Floating-Point Precision in the SAC TUTORIAL.

In version 102.0, SAC is capable of viewing and downloading event, station, and response metadata and downloading waveforms from the IRIS online Web services. See Data Access for an overview.

Binary distributions are available for current (2020) macOS and Linux operating systems. Other platforms or operating systems must be built from the source code.

SAC 101.6a Distribution Statistics
Number of requests for SAC v101.6a for each available platform.

Please note: The Seismic Analysis Code software is available to IRIS Members and Affiliates. As of October 2006, IRIS may also distribute the SAC software to collaborators such as the U.S. Geological Survey, Air Force Technical Applications Center, members of the International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks and other non-U.S. seismological institutes who are involved in relevant research projects with IRIS. However, IRIS will not distribute the SAC software to any country on the embargoed list of the U.S. Department of Commerce.

How to Cite SAC Software

The current references are recommended for your publications when citing your use of SAC:

Goldstein, P., A. Snoke, (2005), “SAC Availability for the IRIS Community”, Incorporated Institutions for Seismology Data Management Center Electronic Newsletter.

Goldstein, P., D. Dodge, M. Firpo, Lee Minner (2003) “SAC2000: Signal processing and analysis tools for seismologists and engineers, Invited contribution to “The IASPEI International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology”, Edited by WHK Lee, H. Kanamori, P.C. Jennings, and C. Kisslinger, Academic Press, London.


Plotting and Display , Processing Programs

External Developers

  • Brian Savage, University of Rhode Island (URI)
  • Arthur Snoke, Department of Geosciences at Virginia Tech (VT)

1 – Click the version release to view details about each package release including screenshots, manuals/how–to's, and revision histories. If more than one version is listed it means that a specific set of functionality was added or removed and legacy versions that preserve behaviors are archived.

2 – A list of changes that are not backwards compatible. More than one version of a package will be listed if this field has an entry.

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