Software Metadata – Categories: APIs and Toolkits

The following APIs and Toolkits packages are available for download. Click the package name to access the download page.

The IRIS-WS Library is a Java API that allows direct access to data and information at the DMC from within your programs. This library constructs the service calls based on criteria you define, and accesses the web services behind the scenes. Information is retrieved as Java objects that are available for immediate manipulation, bypassing the traditional “save to disk, reload into my program, and then parse the data format” series of steps.

This Library allows a Java developer to access DMC-stored data without dealing directly with the web service interfaces or, more importantly, the internal formats of the DMC. Even though the web services typically return XML or SEED data, users of this library do not need XML or SEED knowledge to process the returned information.

A C library framework for manipulating and managing SEED data records. The library is known to work in most Unix/Linux environments (including Mac OSX) and in Win32 systems.

The project is hosted in GitHub:

SeedCodec is a collection of compression and decompression routines for standard seismic data formats in Java. The goal is to support all the formats available within seed, but submissions from the broader community are needed to accomplish this.

SeisFile is a library for reading and writing seismic file formats in java. SeisFile is designed to be a library for accessing common seismic file formats and low level protocols. Hence it is meant to be embedded in other applications. However it does include several examples that can be useful in their own right.

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