Software Metadata – Categories: Plotting and Display

The following Plotting and Display packages are available for download. Click the package name to access the download page.

Antelope is no longer distributed by the IRIS DMC. Please follow the links above to download the package directly from Boulder Real Time Technologies (BRTT).
Updated: 2013-05-21 09:15 PDT

Antelope is an integrated collection of programs for data collection and seismic data analysis, and typically runs at the central processing site. It has been in development for over a decade and is deployed around the world.

NOTICE: Deprecation of irisFetch.m

As of release of Matlab version 2023a, the irisFetch software is no longer functional. It is possible to continue using irisFetch to successfully download data, but only with Matlab versions up to 2022b. For more information on this issue, please refer to the following link: irisFetch Deprecation Announcement


The Matlab library IRISFETCH allows seamless access to data stored within the IRIS-DMC as well as other data centers that implement FDSN web services. Routines are provided to access event (earthquake) information, station metadata, and time series data. All retrieved data is converted into structs for use in MATLAB scripts.

JWEED is the Java version of our popular event-related request tool WEED. JWEED is a Java program which can run on any platform that supports Java, including Mac, Linux, Windows, Oracle Solaris, etc.

JWEED is no longer under active development

Users should look into the PyWEED application, which is intended to cover most of the same use cases.

PQLX (PASSCAL Quick Look eXtended) is open-source software for evaluating seismic station performance and data quality.

This current P4 release is a patch release to address a potential compilation issue in the previous 2011.365.P1 release. More details can be found in the Revision History tab. PQLX is compatible with external dependency MySQL 5.6, but not with MySQL 5.7.

Notice: PQLX software is no longer maintained and will not be updated in the future.

The IRIS DMC distributes the Seismic Analysis Code (SAC) software for scientists conducting research using IRIS data. You must register with an online form to receive the SAC software.

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