Software Metadata – Categories: Processing Programs

The following Processing Programs packages are available for download. Click the package name to access the download page.

Antelope is no longer distributed by the IRIS DMC. Please follow the links above to download the package directly from Boulder Real Time Technologies (BRTT).
Updated: 2013-05-21 09:15 PDT

Antelope is an integrated collection of programs for data collection and seismic data analysis, and typically runs at the central processing site. It has been in development for over a decade and is deployed around the world.

The IRIS DMC distributes the Seismic Analysis Code (SAC) software for scientists conducting research using IRIS data. You must register with an online form to receive the SAC software.

The TauP Toolkit is a seismic travel time calculator. In addition to travel times, it can calculate derivative information such as ray paths through the earth, pierce and turning points. It handles many types of velocity models and can calculate times for virtually any seismic phase with a phase parser. It is written in Java so it should run on any Java enabled platform. Unfortunately, gjc, which comes with many Linux distributions, is not quite Java and prevents TauP from finding its model files. Please use Java from Sun on Linux instead.

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