Software Metadata – Platforms: Mac OS X

The following Mac OS X packages are available for download. Click the package name to access the download page.

Antelope is no longer distributed by the IRIS DMC. Please follow the links above to download the package directly from Boulder Real Time Technologies (BRTT).
Updated: 2013-05-21 09:15 PDT

Antelope is an integrated collection of programs for data collection and seismic data analysis, and typically runs at the central processing site. It has been in development for over a decade and is deployed around the world.

Evaluate response information and output to ASCII files using RESP files and StationXML files

This is a SeedLink plugin that collects data from an Earthworm export_? process. Usually the export_scn program is run on a host with access to the appropriate data; export_scn is a version of export_generic that will only transfer waveform data. While ewexport_plugin will accept any Earthworm messages only waveform data will be processed. Only waveform data in TRACEBUF packets will be processed, the plugin does not support the newer TRACEBUF2 packets.

The IRIS-WS Library is a Java API that allows direct access to data and information at the DMC from within your programs. This library constructs the service calls based on criteria you define, and accesses the web services behind the scenes. Information is retrieved as Java objects that are available for immediate manipulation, bypassing the traditional “save to disk, reload into my program, and then parse the data format” series of steps.

This Library allows a Java developer to access DMC-stored data without dealing directly with the web service interfaces or, more importantly, the internal formats of the DMC. Even though the web services typically return XML or SEED data, users of this library do not need XML or SEED knowledge to process the returned information.

NOTICE: Deprecation of irisFetch.m

As of release of Matlab version 2023a, the irisFetch software is no longer functional. It is possible to continue using irisFetch to successfully download data, but only with Matlab versions up to 2022b. For more information on this issue, please refer to the following link: irisFetch Deprecation Announcement


The Matlab library IRISFETCH allows seamless access to data stored within the IRIS-DMC as well as other data centers that implement FDSN web services. Routines are provided to access event (earthquake) information, station metadata, and time series data. All retrieved data is converted into structs for use in MATLAB scripts.

IRIS System for Portable Assessment of Quality (ISPAQ) is a command line application that calculates seismic data quality metrics locally, by leveraging MUSTANG R-code within a Python client. For LINUX and macOS.

The project is hosted on GitHub:

JEvalResp is a Java utility for evaluating and processing instrument response descriptions. It can make use of instrument responses available as RESP text files and through IRIS/FDSN Web Services .

JPlotResp is a Java utility for evaluating and processing instrument response descriptions. It can make use of instrument responses available as RESP text files and through IRIS/FDSN Web Services .

A Java port of our classic rdseed application developed by ISTI.

JWEED is the Java version of our popular event-related request tool WEED. JWEED is a Java program which can run on any platform that supports Java, including Mac, Linux, Windows, Oracle Solaris, etc.

JWEED is no longer under active development

Users should look into the PyWEED application, which is intended to cover most of the same use cases.

A C library framework for manipulating and managing SEED data records. The library is known to work in most Unix/Linux environments (including Mac OSX) and in Win32 systems.

The project is hosted in GitHub:

A SeedLink client library written in C.

Converts miniSEED to SAC format. An optional metadata file may be supplied that contains values for the SAC headers that are not available in miniSEED. This converter should work in Linux/Unix/MacOSX and Windows.

The project is hosted in GitHub:

This is a SeedLink plugin to grab data from an Antelope ORB. The plugin packages any selected data streams coming into the Antelope ring buffer as 512-byte big-endian miniSEED records and sends them to the controlling SeedLink daemon. No “re-ordering” of data is performed, it is assumed that data comes into the ORB sequentially. This may cause unexpected behavior with data streams allowing out-of-order transmission/reception such as CD-1, likely resulting in many unfilled miniSEED records.

The purpose of Portable Data Collection Center (PDCC) is to enable seismic network operators to describe and maintain their instrument metadata in SEED format. Version 3.8 introduces an updated Station Clone Tool that allows the user to create new stations and modify critical differentiating fields in a simple tabular entry form. Blockettes are also represented in a more human-readable form. Other minor enhancements are also included.

This minor update to PDCC 3.8 fixes a bug with sorting Blockette 59 (Channel comments).

PQLX (PASSCAL Quick Look eXtended) is open-source software for evaluating seismic station performance and data quality.

This current P4 release is a patch release to address a potential compilation issue in the previous 2011.365.P1 release. More details can be found in the Revision History tab. PQLX is compatible with external dependency MySQL 5.6, but not with MySQL 5.7.

Notice: PQLX software is no longer maintained and will not be updated in the future.

PyWEED is a cross-platform downloadable app for retrieving event-based seismic data, intended to replace the functionality of JWEED

PyWEED is hosted on GitHub:

End of Life Notice
rdseed is End of Life and no longer supported at IRIS
rdseed has now been made an open-source project on GitHub

rdseed is a legacy utility for reading SEED volumes, the FDSN-approved file format for representing and distributing digital seismic data. This utility allows the user to read the contents of the SEED file and convert it to many different output formats, extracting the data, station information, or instrument responses from the file.

ROVER is a command line tool to robustly retrieve geophysical time series data from data centers that offer FDSN web services.

The IRIS DMC distributes the Seismic Analysis Code (SAC) software for scientists conducting research using IRIS data. You must register with an online form to receive the SAC software.

SeedCodec is a collection of compression and decompression routines for standard seismic data formats in Java. The goal is to support all the formats available within seed, but submissions from the broader community are needed to accomplish this.

SeisFile is a library for reading and writing seismic file formats in java. SeisFile is designed to be a library for accessing common seismic file formats and low level protocols. Hence it is meant to be embedded in other applications. However it does include several examples that can be useful in their own right.

slarchive, a SeedLink client for archiving data streams.

slink2ew is a SeedLink client module for Earthworm.

The latest version is also available in the Earthworm source code repository and binaries are included in the Earthworm distribution.

slinktool, the all-in-one SeedLink client for data stream inspection, data collection and server testing.

The project is hosted in GitHub:

Standing Order for Data (SOD) is a program that automates tedious data selection, downloading, and routine processing tasks in seismology.

The TauP Toolkit is a seismic travel time calculator. In addition to travel times, it can calculate derivative information such as ray paths through the earth, pierce and turning points. It handles many types of velocity models and can calculate times for virtually any seismic phase with a phase parser. It is written in Java so it should run on any Java enabled platform. Unfortunately, gjc, which comes with many Linux distributions, is not quite Java and prevents TauP from finding its model files. Please use Java from Sun on Linux instead.

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