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Nominal Response Library
Element datalogger
Manufacturer Quanterra

Below is some model-specific information to help you locate your instrument response.


The Q330 Standard Resolution datalogger has three or six channels recorded by a standard resolution (SR) ADC. Its preamp offers gains of 1 or 30.


The Q330 High Resolution datalogger has two sensor ports (QAPs) that are sampled by different ADCs. Port A (channels 1-3) is sampled by a high-resolution (HR) ADC with four times the number of counts/volt as the Q330SR (standard resolution) ADC. Port B (channels 4-6) is sampled by a standard resolution (SR) ADC identical to the ADC in the Q330SR with the same responses. The Q330HR preamp offers gains of 1 or 20.


The Q330 Ultra High Resolution datalogger has six channels recorded by a high resolution ADC identical to the high resolution (HR) ADC in the Q330HR with the same responses. Its preamp offers gains of 1 or 20.


The x80 series dataloggers are named by the number of channels available (e.g. 380, 680) and share the same responses.


The 4120 series dataloggers are named by the number of channels available (e.g. 4123, 4126) and share the same responses.


The x80 series dataloggers are named by the number of channels available (e.g. 380, 680) and share the same responses.


The Quanterra Environmental Processor has three channels. Frank Vernon furnished the response information for this datalogger.

Quanterra Models

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