Data Services Products: Metadata: Categories: Funded

The following products are in the fFunded category (8):

ASWMS Automated Surface Wave Phase Velocity Measuring System

Do-it-yourself automated surface wave tomography using the MATLAB based ASWMS package developed by Ge Jin & James Gaherty. This product provides 1) the ASWMS software package and 2) weekly updated USArray, Alaska surface wave tomography maps using ASWMS.

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EQEnergy Earthquake energy & rupture duration

Earthquake energy and rupture durations are estimated following all earthquakes with initial magnitude above Mw 6.0 and a GCMT moment tensor. The method follows Convers and Newman, 2011. These are fully automated and not reviewed by a human.

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ANCC-CIEI Western US Ambient Noise Cross-Correlations

An ambient noise cross-correlation based database of empirical Green's functions (EGFs) of the Western US using USArray Transportable Array (TA) data.

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GlobalEmpiricalGreensTensors Global Empirical Green's Tensor database

A nested global empirical Green’s tensor (EGT) database derived from three-component continuous data at global, continental and local length scales.

The database is intended to be an open database for anyone to contribute as long as data processing follows a consistent, best practice.

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EMTF Magnetotelluric Transfer Functions

USArray magnetotelluric transfer functions (MT TFs) calculated at USArray MT sites installed by Oregon State University, as well as other community magnetotelluric transfer functions, are available from the SPUD EMTF repository in both XML and EDI formats. The international magnetotelluric community is invited to use the EMTF repository to archive their MT TFs. Please contact Anna Kelbert for support; all data formats are accepted and a data citation is created upon submission of data to the searchable repository.

The XML format for electromagnetic transfer functions and related conversion software was developed at Oregon State University under an NSF award, and later improved and updated by the USGS Geomagnetism Program, with continued support from IRIS. A living software repository is available in the SeisCode EMTF-FCU project File Conversion Utilities project. Detailed documentation and usage examples are provided by Kelbert (2009).

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SeisSound The Audio/Video Seismic Waveform Visualization

The SeisSound Visualization is an audio/video-based IRIS DMC data product that illustrates the frequency and amplitude content of seismograms. Conveying the seismograms frequency content both visually and audibly produces a better understanding of their spectral content.

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EMERALD A software framework for seismic event processing

EMERALD is a complete open-source software server-based system for requesting and processing large sets of event based seismic data from a web browser. Data sets containing millions of seismic waveforms can easily be managed, reviewed, and processed. The system can automatically check for metadata updates, and alert the user to metadata changes.

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