Coordinate variable data and header information for model

netcdf IBEM-S19 {
	latitude = 21 ;
	longitude = 25 ;
	depth = 21 ;
	float latitude(latitude) ;
		latitude:long_name = "Latitude; positive north" ;
		latitude:units = "degrees_north" ;
		latitude:standard_name = "latitude" ;
	float longitude(longitude) ;
		longitude:long_name = "Longitude; positive east" ;
		longitude:units = "degrees_east" ;
		longitude:standard_name = "longitude" ;
	float depth(depth) ;
		depth:long_name = "depth below earth surface" ;
		depth:units = "km" ;
		depth:positive = "down" ;
	float dvs(depth, latitude, longitude) ;
		dvs:_FillValue = 99999.f ;
		dvs:long_name = "S Velocity anomaly" ;
		dvs:display_name = "dVs (km/s)" ;
		dvs:units = "km.s-1" ;
		dvs:missing_value = 99999.f ;

// global attributes:
		:title = "A 3D S/SKS-wave tomography model of the upper mantle beneath Iberia, Canaries and W Morocco. Crustal structure is taken from PRISM3D model (Arroucau et al., 2017)." ;
		:id = "IBEM-P18" ;
		:summary = "IBEM-S19 is a new high-resolution 3D S/SKS-wave tomography model of the upper mantle beneath Iberia, Canaries and W Morocco." ;
		:keywords = "seismic, tomography, shear wave, s wave" ;
		:Conventions = "CF-1.0" ;
		:Metadata_Conventions = "Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0" ;
		:acknowledgment = "We thank the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia under the Project SPIDER (PTDC/GEO- FIQ/2590/2014) for the support" ;
		:history = "2019-12-05 IRIS DMC, updated geospatial fields, if needed, to float \n",
			"Created by (2019-10-15T12:21:32+00:00)\n",
			"2020-02-28 IRIS DMC, updated metadata to organize reference, author, repository and also add PID" ;
		:comment = "" ;
		:geospatial_lat_min = 26. ;
		:geospatial_lat_max = 46. ;
		:geospatial_lat_units = "degrees_north" ;
		:geospatial_lat_resolution = 1 ;
		:geospatial_lon_min = -19. ;
		:geospatial_lon_max = 5. ;
		:geospatial_lon_units = "degrees_east" ;
		:geospatial_lon_resolution = 1 ;
		:geospatial_vertical_min = 0. ;
		:geospatial_vertical_max = 800. ;
		:geospatial_vertical_units = "km" ;
		:geospatial_vertical_positive = "down" ;
		:source = "Converted from IBEM-S19.csv" ;
		:netcdf_file = "" ;
		:reference = "Civiero, Custdio, Silveira, Silveira, Rawlinson, Strak, and Arroucau (2018)" ;
		:reference_pid = "doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2018.07.024" ;
		:author_name = "Chiara Civiero" ;
		:author_email = "" ;
		:author_institution = "Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Dublin, Ireland" ;
		:author_url = "" ;
		:repository_name = "EMC" ;
		:repository_institution = "IRIS DMC" ;
		:repository_pid = "doi:10.17611/dp/emcibemp18s19" ;
		:model = "IBEM-P18+IBEM-S19" ;

 latitude = 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 
    42, 43, 44, 45, 46 ;

 longitude = -19, -18, -17, -16, -15, -14, -13, -12, -11, -10, -9, -8, -7, 
    -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ;

 depth = 0, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200, 240, 280, 320, 360, 400, 440, 480, 520, 
    560, 600, 640, 680, 720, 760, 800 ;