Coordinate variable data and header information for model
netcdf SAM4-P-2017_percent {
depth = 21 ;
latitude = 311 ;
longitude = 321 ;
float depth(depth) ;
depth:long_name = "depth below earth surface" ;
depth:units = "km" ;
depth:positive = "down" ;
float latitude(latitude) ;
latitude:long_name = "Latitude; positive north" ;
latitude:units = "degrees_north" ;
latitude:standard_name = "latitude" ;
float longitude(longitude) ;
longitude:long_name = "Longitude; positive east" ;
longitude:units = "degrees_east" ;
longitude:standard_name = "longitude" ;
float dvp(depth, latitude, longitude) ;
dvp:long_name = "P-velocity in % perturbation" ;
dvp:units = "%" ;
dvp:valid_range = -8.f, 10.f ;
dvp:missing_value = NaNf ;
float hq(depth, latitude, longitude) ;
hq:long_name = "Hit Quality" ;
hq:units = "" ;
hq:valid_range = 0.f, 1.f ;
hq:missing_value = NaNf ;
// global attributes:
:title = "SAM4_P_2017 dVp model" ;
:id = "SAM4_P_2017" ;
:summary = "" ;
:keywords = "" ;
:Conventions = "CF-1.0" ;
:Metadata_Conventions = "Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0" ;
:acknowledgment = "Model was provided by Daniel Portner, \n",
"University of Arizona" ;
:history = "2019-12-05 IRIS DMC, updated geospatial fields, if needed, to float \n",
"Wed Nov 20 10:28:33 2019: ncatted -O -a creator_email,global,m,c,\n",
"2018-10-25 IRIS-Manoch: changed valid_range from string to numbers \n",
"removed add_offset and scale_factor since they would not affect the data but had issues with NaN\n",
"2018-09-06 changed missing_value to NaNf to match the content \n",
"2017-07-10 model converted to netCDF by IRIS EMC\n",
"2020-02-28 IRIS DMC, updated metadata to organize reference, author, repository and also add PID" ;
:comment = "model converted to netCDF by IRIS EMC" ;
:geospatial_lat_min = -48. ;
:geospatial_lat_max = -17. ;
:geospatial_lat_units = "degrees_north" ;
:geospatial_lat_resolution = 0.1 ;
:geospatial_lon_min = -85. ;
:geospatial_lon_max = -53. ;
:geospatial_lon_units = "degrees_east" ;
:geospatial_lon_resolution = 0.1 ;
:geospatial_vertical_min = 60 ;
:geospatial_vertical_max = 1010 ;
:geospatial_vertical_units = "km" ;
:geospatial_vertical_positive = "down" ;
:NCO = "netCDF Operators version 4.7.5 (Homepage =, Code =" ;
:netcdf_file = "" ;
:reference = "Portner, Beck, Zandt, and Scire (2017)" ;
:reference_pid = "doi:10.1002/2017GL073106" ;
:author_name = "Daniel Evan Portner" ;
:author_email = "" ;
:author_institution = "Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ USA" ;
:author_url = "" ;
:repository_name = "EMC" ;
:repository_institution = "IRIS DMC" ;
:repository_pid = "doi:10.17611/DP/EMCSAM4P2017" ;
:model = "SAM4_P_2017" ;
depth = 60, 95, 130, 165, 200, 240, 280, 320, 365, 410, 455, 505, 555, 605,
660, 715, 775, 835, 895, 940, 1010 ;
latitude = -48, -47.9, -47.8, -47.7, -47.6, -47.5, -47.4, -47.3, -47.2,
-47.1, -47, -46.9, -46.8, -46.7, -46.6, -46.5, -46.4, -46.3, -46.2,
-46.1, -46, -45.9, -45.8, -45.7, -45.6, -45.5, -45.4, -45.3, -45.2,
-45.1, -45, -44.9, -44.8, -44.7, -44.6, -44.5, -44.4, -44.3, -44.2,
-44.1, -44, -43.9, -43.8, -43.7, -43.6, -43.5, -43.4, -43.3, -43.2,
-43.1, -43, -42.9, -42.8, -42.7, -42.6, -42.5, -42.4, -42.3, -42.2,
-42.1, -42, -41.9, -41.8, -41.7, -41.6, -41.5, -41.4, -41.3, -41.2,
-41.1, -41, -40.9, -40.8, -40.7, -40.6, -40.5, -40.4, -40.3, -40.2,
-40.1, -40, -39.9, -39.8, -39.7, -39.6, -39.5, -39.4, -39.3, -39.2,
-39.1, -39, -38.9, -38.8, -38.7, -38.6, -38.5, -38.4, -38.3, -38.2,
-38.1, -38, -37.9, -37.8, -37.7, -37.6, -37.5, -37.4, -37.3, -37.2,
-37.1, -37, -36.9, -36.8, -36.7, -36.6, -36.5, -36.4, -36.3, -36.2,
-36.1, -36, -35.9, -35.8, -35.7, -35.6, -35.5, -35.4, -35.3, -35.2,
-35.1, -35, -34.9, -34.8, -34.7, -34.6, -34.5, -34.4, -34.3, -34.2,
-34.1, -34, -33.9, -33.8, -33.7, -33.6, -33.5, -33.4, -33.3, -33.2,
-33.1, -33, -32.9, -32.8, -32.7, -32.6, -32.5, -32.4, -32.3, -32.2,
-32.1, -32, -31.9, -31.8, -31.7, -31.6, -31.5, -31.4, -31.3, -31.2,
-31.1, -31, -30.9, -30.8, -30.7, -30.6, -30.5, -30.4, -30.3, -30.2,
-30.1, -30, -29.9, -29.8, -29.7, -29.6, -29.5, -29.4, -29.3, -29.2,
-29.1, -29, -28.9, -28.8, -28.7, -28.6, -28.5, -28.4, -28.3, -28.2,
-28.1, -28, -27.9, -27.8, -27.7, -27.6, -27.5, -27.4, -27.3, -27.2,
-27.1, -27, -26.9, -26.8, -26.7, -26.6, -26.5, -26.4, -26.3, -26.2,
-26.1, -26, -25.9, -25.8, -25.7, -25.6, -25.5, -25.4, -25.3, -25.2,
-25.1, -25, -24.9, -24.8, -24.7, -24.6, -24.5, -24.4, -24.3, -24.2,
-24.1, -24, -23.9, -23.8, -23.7, -23.6, -23.5, -23.4, -23.3, -23.2,
-23.1, -23, -22.9, -22.8, -22.7, -22.6, -22.5, -22.4, -22.3, -22.2,
-22.1, -22, -21.9, -21.8, -21.7, -21.6, -21.5, -21.4, -21.3, -21.2,
-21.1, -21, -20.9, -20.8, -20.7, -20.6, -20.5, -20.4, -20.3, -20.2,
-20.1, -20, -19.9, -19.8, -19.7, -19.6, -19.5, -19.4, -19.3, -19.2,
-19.1, -19, -18.9, -18.8, -18.7, -18.6, -18.5, -18.4, -18.3, -18.2,
-18.1, -18, -17.9, -17.8, -17.7, -17.6, -17.5, -17.4, -17.3, -17.2,
-17.1, -17 ;
longitude = -85, -84.9, -84.8, -84.7, -84.6, -84.5, -84.4, -84.3, -84.2,
-84.1, -84, -83.9, -83.8, -83.7, -83.6, -83.5, -83.4, -83.3, -83.2,
-83.1, -83, -82.9, -82.8, -82.7, -82.6, -82.5, -82.4, -82.3, -82.2,
-82.1, -82, -81.9, -81.8, -81.7, -81.6, -81.5, -81.4, -81.3, -81.2,
-81.1, -81, -80.9, -80.8, -80.7, -80.6, -80.5, -80.4, -80.3, -80.2,
-80.1, -80, -79.9, -79.8, -79.7, -79.6, -79.5, -79.4, -79.3, -79.2,
-79.1, -79, -78.9, -78.8, -78.7, -78.6, -78.5, -78.4, -78.3, -78.2,
-78.1, -78, -77.9, -77.8, -77.7, -77.6, -77.5, -77.4, -77.3, -77.2,
-77.1, -77, -76.9, -76.8, -76.7, -76.6, -76.5, -76.4, -76.3, -76.2,
-76.1, -76, -75.9, -75.8, -75.7, -75.6, -75.5, -75.4, -75.3, -75.2,
-75.1, -75, -74.9, -74.8, -74.7, -74.6, -74.5, -74.4, -74.3, -74.2,
-74.1, -74, -73.9, -73.8, -73.7, -73.6, -73.5, -73.4, -73.3, -73.2,
-73.1, -73, -72.9, -72.8, -72.7, -72.6, -72.5, -72.4, -72.3, -72.2,
-72.1, -72, -71.9, -71.8, -71.7, -71.6, -71.5, -71.4, -71.3, -71.2,
-71.1, -71, -70.9, -70.8, -70.7, -70.6, -70.5, -70.4, -70.3, -70.2,
-70.1, -70, -69.9, -69.8, -69.7, -69.6, -69.5, -69.4, -69.3, -69.2,
-69.1, -69, -68.9, -68.8, -68.7, -68.6, -68.5, -68.4, -68.3, -68.2,
-68.1, -68, -67.9, -67.8, -67.7, -67.6, -67.5, -67.4, -67.3, -67.2,
-67.1, -67, -66.9, -66.8, -66.7, -66.6, -66.5, -66.4, -66.3, -66.2,
-66.1, -66, -65.9, -65.8, -65.7, -65.6, -65.5, -65.4, -65.3, -65.2,
-65.1, -65, -64.9, -64.8, -64.7, -64.6, -64.5, -64.4, -64.3, -64.2,
-64.1, -64, -63.9, -63.8, -63.7, -63.6, -63.5, -63.4, -63.3, -63.2,
-63.1, -63, -62.9, -62.8, -62.7, -62.6, -62.5, -62.4, -62.3, -62.2,
-62.1, -62, -61.9, -61.8, -61.7, -61.6, -61.5, -61.4, -61.3, -61.2,
-61.1, -61, -60.9, -60.8, -60.7, -60.6, -60.5, -60.4, -60.3, -60.2,
-60.1, -60, -59.9, -59.8, -59.7, -59.6, -59.5, -59.4, -59.3, -59.2,
-59.1, -59, -58.9, -58.8, -58.7, -58.6, -58.5, -58.4, -58.3, -58.2,
-58.1, -58, -57.9, -57.8, -57.7, -57.6, -57.5, -57.4, -57.3, -57.2,
-57.1, -57, -56.9, -56.8, -56.7, -56.6, -56.5, -56.4, -56.3, -56.2,
-56.1, -56, -55.9, -55.8, -55.7, -55.6, -55.5, -55.4, -55.3, -55.2,
-55.1, -55, -54.9, -54.8, -54.7, -54.6, -54.5, -54.4, -54.3, -54.2,
-54.1, -54, -53.9, -53.8, -53.7, -53.6, -53.5, -53.4, -53.3, -53.2,
-53.1, -53 ;