The SplitLab Shear-Wave Splitting Database is a mirror of the Géosciences Montpellier's SplitLab Shear-wave splitting database that provides access to this valuable database using the SPUD system and its customized Google Maps interface.
SWS-DB data product:
Missouri S&T:
IRIS, in collaboration with the Géosciences Montpellier, France, has created the SplitLab Shear-Wave Splitting Database (SWS-DB-SplitLab) as a mirror of the Géosciences Montpellier's SplitLab Shear-wave splitting database. Even though this mirror database is updated with the most recent copy of the Géosciences Montpellier's database on a daily basis, users may still notice the following differences between the data downloaded from here and those available from the Géosciences Montpellier.
- records with incomplete or missing station information (code, latitude or longitude) are omitted
- a zero value is assigned to dt for all records with null phi
- phi values range between 0° and 360°
Access to the SplitLab SWS-DB at IRIS is available via SPUD where user can easily search the SWS-DB data using the geographic areas, the station code or via SPUD's customized interactive Google Maps.
Citations and DOIs
To cite the IRIS DMC Data Products effort:
- Trabant, C., A. R. Hutko, M. Bahavar, R. Karstens, T. Ahern, and R. Aster (2012), Data Products at the IRIS DMC: Stepping Stones for Research and Other Applications, Seismological Research Letters, 83(5), 846–854,
To cite the IRIS DMC Shear-wave splitting databases or reference use of its repositories:
- IRIS DMC (2012), Data Services Products: SWS-DBs Shear-wave splitting databases,
To cite the source or reference the use of SplitLab Shear-wave splitting database:
- Wüstefeld, A.; Bokelmann, G. H. R.; Barruol, G.; Montagner, J.-P. (2009) “Identifying global seismic anisotropy patterns by correlating shear-wave splitting and surface waves data” , Phys. Earth Planet. Int, 176 (3-4), 198-212,
- The Shear-Wave Splitting database was created and is maintained by the SplitLab group at Géosciences Montpellier. The database is kept updated by the ongoing efforts of Guilhem Barruol, lab Géosciences Réunion, Université de la Réunion, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, CNRS,
- The initial compilation of published shear wave splitting values was generated by Derek Schutt at the University of Oregon in the late 1990s and was maintained by him at Carnegie’s Department of Terrestrial Magnetism.
- From 2001 to 2006, the list was maintained updated at Arizona State University by Matt Fouch.
- In March 2012, in collaboration with the Géosciences Montpellier, IRIS DMC started mirroring the Shear-wave Splitting Database.
- Manochehr Bahavar, IRIS DMC
- 2012-03-21
- online with the Géosciences Montpellier database
Split Lab
SplitLab Group