Frequently Answered Question


How do I get a list of stations in a text file?

I am wondering how I can get a list of all station names from all the networks with their latitude, longitude, elevation, etc, in a text file?


Fedcatalog Web Service

Get all stations in the “IU” network:

Get all the channel-level data in the “IU.ANMO” network:

See the irisws-fedcatalog service for more information.

FDSN Station Web Service

The IRIS DMC has implemented the FDSN station service. This is a REST-ful web service that returns station metadata in either plain ASCII text or StationXML.

SeismiQuery Stations Inventories Query

Click the checkboxes to select the items that you want – including latitude and longitude.
Note: you don’t need to fill in the fields to get results.

Click “View Results” to see the information on the webpage or click “Email Results” to send the information to your email account. Go to SeismiQuery Station Inventories

Updated: 08/04/2020
09:54:59 v.af9cd46b