Thread: Installation on Mac OSX 10.9 & Environment Setup

Started: 2014-07-29 19:50:44
Last activity: 2014-07-30 03:43:55
Topics: SAC Help
Greg Brenn
2014-07-29 19:50:44

I am attempting to install SAC onto my MAC OSX 10.9.4, and I am having a
little bit of trouble with the environment setup. I will explain what I've
done thus far:

I downloaded the sac-101.6a-mac_x86_64.tar.gz file and dragged it to my
Desktop, where I executed the command in terminal:

$ tar -xzf sac-101.6a-mac_x86_64.tar.gz

Then a /sac subdirectory was created on my Desktop. Everything is going
well so far.

Then, I go into the README folder and get to the Environment Setup section,
and this is where I get confused (neophyte Mac User). I am wondering how
to do the following, as stated in README:

"The system has to be able to find the binaries and scripts that are in
SACHOME/bin, and the environmental variable SACAUX must be set to

Additionally, I am working in Terminal, bash, and I edited the ~/.bashrc
file. So that step is completed. Then I go into terminal, and type $ sac,
and not to my surprise, the sac command isn't found. So, I am guessing
that the environmental variable SACAUX was not set to SACHOME/AUX, and I am
wondering how to do that?

Thank you!

  • Milton Plasencia
    2014-07-30 03:43:55

    My environment variables for sac are:

    # SAC Environment variables
    export SACHOME=$HOME/Soft/sac # change to where your sac distribution live.
    export PATH=$SACHOME/bin:$PATH
    export SACAUX=$SACHOME/aux
    export SACLIB=$SACHOME/lib/sacio.a
    export SAC_USE_DATABASE=0

    I use Mac OSX 10.9.4 and all working OK.

    If you have a command not found your sac binary is not in PATH
    also verify if it is executable.



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    ASAIN (Antarctic Seismographic Argentinean Italian Network)

    On Jul 29, 2014, at 6:50 PM, Gregory (Greg) Brenn <grbrenn<at>> wrote:


    I am attempting to install SAC onto my MAC OSX 10.9.4, and I am having a little bit of trouble with the environment setup. I will explain what I've done thus far:

    I downloaded the sac-101.6a-mac_x86_64.tar.gz file and dragged it to my Desktop, where I executed the command in terminal:

    $ tar -xzf sac-101.6a-mac_x86_64.tar.gz

    Then a /sac subdirectory was created on my Desktop. Everything is going well so far.

    Then, I go into the README folder and get to the Environment Setup section, and this is where I get confused (neophyte Mac User). I am wondering how to do the following, as stated in README:

    "The system has to be able to find the binaries and scripts that are in
    SACHOME/bin, and the environmental variable SACAUX must be set to SACHOME/aux."

    Additionally, I am working in Terminal, bash, and I edited the ~/.bashrc file. So that step is completed. Then I go into terminal, and type $ sac, and not to my surprise, the sac command isn't found. So, I am guessing that the environmental variable SACAUX was not set to SACHOME/AUX, and I am wondering how to do that?

    Thank you!
    sac-help mailing list

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