Thread: Another question regarding a SAC command

Started: 2014-08-27 07:50:55
Last activity: 2014-08-27 14:54:55
Topics: SAC Help
Lukas Janku
2014-08-27 07:50:55
Dear Sir / Madam

I have just recently started to use SAC as part of my PhD research. Currently, I have encountered one problem with reading a file with READTABLE command. My input file is organized into 10 columns, containing consecutive values of the same data set, with constant time step - therefore looking like this:
v1 v2 v3 ....v10
v11 v12 ...

The problem is that, as I understand it according to the manual, the 'CONTENT Y.' shall put all these values into one dataset. However, instead, 10 different datasets are created, each of them containing values from one column. What shall be the correct formulation to actually keep the values in a single set?

thank you for your help

Yours sincerely

Lukas Janku

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  • Milton Plasencia
    2014-08-27 14:54:55
    Hi Lukas,

    you can try this: ( your data are equally spaced )

    1) convert the file to one column, using the tr command and if the filed separator is a space,
    > tr ' ' '\n' < input_file > output file

    2) read in to sac using the command
    sac> readtable outputfile

    [Unfortunately "format" in readtable not working yet.]



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    ASAIN (Antarctic Seismographic Argentinean Italian Network)

    On Aug 27, 2014, at 2:50 AM, Lukas Janku <lukas.janku<at>> wrote:

    Dear Sir / Madam

    I have just recently started to use SAC as part of my PhD research. Currently, I have encountered one problem with reading a file with READTABLE command. My input file is organized into 10 columns, containing consecutive values of the same data set, with constant time step - therefore looking like this:
    v1 v2 v3 ....v10
    v11 v12 ...

    The problem is that, as I understand it according to the manual, the 'CONTENT Y.' shall put all these values into one dataset. However, instead, 10 different datasets are created, each of them containing values from one column. What shall be the correct formulation to actually keep the values in a single set?

    thank you for your help

    Yours sincerely

    Lukas Janku
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