I felt sure that SAC used to let the user using ppk specify a quality to a pick on the T1-T9 variables by first typing the quality etc. and then the pick number, e.g., typing u2it3 would make the variable t3 have the time of the phase where the cursor was, and the variable Kt3 would have "U2I" in it.
However, now we've been using SAC 101.6 and it doesn't seem to work that way any more. Now the time is still properly entered into t3, but the label is put into the Amarker no matter what else you type. Is this meant to be this way now, or is this a bug? Do we need an updated version of SAC and if so, what version?
I also couldn't find a way to search the archives without opening every month up separately, so I'm sorry if this has been discussed before.
Thank you for your help.
Kind regards,
Martha Savage
Professor of Geophysics
Victoria University of Wellington
Te Whare Wananga o te Upoko o te Ika a Maui
Temporary office: MY 1114
Box 600, Wellington, 6140
New Zealand
Email: Martha.Savage<at>vuw.ac.nz
DDI: +64 (0)4 463-5961
mobile: 021-262-7516
I felt sure that SAC used to let the user using ppk specify a quality to a pick on the T1-T9 variables by first typing the quality etc. and then the pick number, e.g., typing u2it3 would make the variable t3 have the time of the phase where the cursor was, and the variable Kt3 would have "U2I" in it.
However, now we've been using SAC 101.6 and it doesn't seem to work that way any more. Now the time is still properly entered into t3, but the label is put into the Amarker no matter what else you type. Is this meant to be this way now, or is this a bug? Do we need an updated version of SAC and if so, what version?
I also couldn't find a way to search the archives without opening every month up separately, so I'm sorry if this has been discussed before.
Thank you for your help.
Kind regards,
Martha Savage
Professor of Geophysics
Victoria University of Wellington
Te Whare Wananga o te Upoko o te Ika a Maui
Temporary office: MY 1114
Box 600, Wellington, 6140
New Zealand
Email: Martha.Savage<at>vuw.ac.nz
DDI: +64 (0)4 463-5961
mobile: 021-262-7516
George Helffrich
2015-02-09 22:07:33Dear All -
The only header variables that SAC originally set pick quality & direction for were the A and T0 variables. A is set by the P and C pick commands (to characterize the P pick quality), and T0 is set by the S pick command (to characterize S). Tn (n>0) never had quality information carried over into their corresponding KTn header variables.
Unless this was implemented in IRIS versions of SAC, it is not an original feature of SAC.
I don’t see why it could not be implemented, however, because the quality information is accumulated up until any pick is defined. Let me know if you can make use of it.
On 9 Feb 2015, at 12:38, Martha Savage <Martha.Savage<at>vuw.ac.nz> wrote:
George Helffrich
I felt sure that SAC used to let the user using ppk specify a quality to a pick on the T1-T9 variables by first typing the quality etc. and then the pick number, e.g., typing u2it3 would make the variable t3 have the time of the phase where the cursor was, and the variable Kt3 would have “U2I” in it.
However, now we’ve been using SAC 101.6 and it doesn’t seem to work that way any more. Now the time is still properly entered into t3, but the label is put into the Amarker no matter what else you type. Is this meant to be this way now, or is this a bug? Do we need an updated version of SAC and if so, what version?
I also couldn’t find a way to search the archives without opening every month up separately, so I’m sorry if this has been discussed before.
Thank you for your help.
Kind regards,
Martha Savage
Professor of Geophysics
Victoria University of Wellington
Te Whare Wananga o te Upoko o te Ika a Maui
Temporary office: MY 1114
Box 600, Wellington, 6140
New Zealand
Email: Martha.Savage<at>vuw.ac.nz
DDI: +64 (0)4 463-5961
mobile: 021-262-7516
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