Thread: Installing Mac Problem

Started: 2015-07-26 07:18:25
Last activity: 2015-09-10 23:03:41
Topics: SAC Help
Ali Shaikhsulaiman
2015-07-26 07:18:25

I am having a problem installing SAC on my mac (OS X Yosemite 10.10). I have tried to run the script (./ on bash, don’t observe any action… and then tried to check if sac has been installed somehow, however a message shows up "bash: /usr/local/bin/sac: Bad CPU type in executable”..

I am right thinking it is because of the version of my OS? since sac is only possibly valid for upto OS10.9?

*would really like away to be able to install sac with on my mac?

Appreciate any help!

Thank you.
  • Leigh House
    2015-07-31 01:54:43
    Dear Ali Shaikhsulaiman,

    Unfortunately I cannot read the screen shot that accompanied your email. It is small, and when I magnify it, I just see fuzzy letters.

    I will give you some suggestions that may help.

    Although you mention the version of MacOSX you have (10.10), you don’t mention the version of sac that you have installed.

    I have OS X 10.10 installed and I can run sac v 101.6a (the latest version; I have a 64-bit executable). I also tried an older version, v 101.5c, and I could run both 32-bit and 64-bit executables.

    I use tcsh rather than bash, so maybe my advice will be wrong.

    I suggest you do these things to check your install of sac:

    Check that you have a recent version of sac. It does not seem to matter exactly which version, although it should be a recent version.
    Run the ‘file’ command with what you think is the sac executable. This will verify that it is actually an executable file and not a directory.

    From information in your email I suggest you type the command:
    file /usr/local/bin/sac
    in a terminal window. This command should tell you: Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64
    There are 3 important parts of this:
    1) ‘Mach-O’ is a Mac executable file, if you see something different, you don’t have the sac executable for a mac.
    2) ‘executable’ confirms this is an executable file; if /usr/local/bin/sac is a directory, the file command will tell you it is a directory
    3) ’64-bit’ and ‘x86_64’ both indicate that this is a 64-bit executable. If you have a 32-bit version of sac, the file command would show: Mach-O executable i386

    As I said above, I have no trouble running a 32-bit version of sac on my mac.

    Finally, although you say you didn’t observe any action when you type ./ in bash, that is normal. It will not show anything in your terminal window. It sets some environment variables for you. You can verify that it worked by typing
    echo $SACHOME
    and from your email, I think you should see something like

    Other things that you may need to check:
    1) do you have Apple’s Xcode installed? If not, go to Apple’s page and search for Xcode. You need an Apple-ID to download it (it is big, several GB in size)
    2) do you have Quartz installed? If not, go to to get it. It installs in /opt. Also, I had to create a couple of symbolic links to X11:
    sudo /opt/X11 /usr/X11R6
    sudo /opt/X11 /usr/X11
    so that I could run sac on my mac.

    I hope some of this helps you figure out what is wrong with your sac install.

    Leigh House

    On Jul 30, 2015, at 2:32 PM, Ali Shaikhsulaiman <ali92ah<at>> wrote:


    I am having a problem installing SAC on my mac (OS X Yosemite 10.10). I have tried to run the script (./ on bash, don’t observe any action… and then tried to check if sac has been installed somehow, however a message shows up "bash: /usr/local/bin/sac: Bad CPU type in executable”..

    I am right thinking it is because of the version of my OS? since sac is only possibly valid for upto OS10.9?

    *would really like away to be able to install sac with on my mac?

    <Screen Shot 2015-07-26 at 00.06.10.png>

    Appreciate any help!

    Thank you.

    SAC Help (

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  • Milton Plasencia
    2015-07-31 16:49:56
    in the you must point to the directory where live sac.

    what version of sac use you?



    On Jul 30, 2015, at 17:32, Ali Shaikhsulaiman <ali92ah<at>> wrote:


    I am having a problem installing SAC on my mac (OS X Yosemite 10.10). I have tried to run the script (./ on bash, don’t observe any action… and then tried to check if sac has been installed somehow, however a message shows up "bash: /usr/local/bin/sac: Bad CPU type in executable”..

    I am right thinking it is because of the version of my OS? since sac is only possibly valid for upto OS10.9?

    *would really like away to be able to install sac with on my mac?

    <Screen Shot 2015-07-26 at 00.06.10.png>

    Appreciate any help!

    Thank you.

    SAC Help (

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  • Ali Shaikhsulaiman
    2015-09-10 23:03:41

    I am trying to download SAC v101.6a software package 64 bit. So it should actually be working on MacOSX (10.10) I am stupid asking the following, but I am desperate to have sac.

    I would appreciate if someone would kindly help me setting up SAC correctly? I don’t think I know how to set up SACAUX?

    Thank you very much & sorry for such a stupid question to put on

07:09:29 v.af9cd46b