Is there a limit on how many lines can be in the selection field of a
bulkdataselect query?
-- John
bulkdataselect query?
-- John
There is an undocumented limit on the input post size to ws-
bulkdataselect of 2,000,000 bytes.
If you try to submit a list that is bigger than that size, you should
receive an error message.
Doing a quick test, a 100 line input file is about 5,100 bytes
(100 lines / 5,100 bytes) * 2,000,000 bytes ~ 39,000 lines
I would discourage anybody from trying to submit a request that large,
but it should, in theory, work.
On Nov 3, 2011, at 8:44 PM, John D. West wrote:
Is there a limit on how many lines can be in the selection field of
a bulkdataselect query?
-- John
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Bruce R Weertman
Software Engineer
1408 NE 45h St, Suite 201
Seattle, WA 98105
(206) 547-0393