Thread: Outage today for maximum of 3 hours starting at 10am Pacific due to hardware relocation

Started: 2013-12-04 16:33:16
Last activity: 2013-12-05 22:51:50
Topics: Web Services
Hello web service users,

IRIS Data Flow Planned Outage, December 4 2013

The IRIS DMC will be offline for a maximum of three (3) hours on December 4th, 2013, starting at 10am Pacific Time. This is a planned outage and is due to hardware relocation to a new building.

This will impact all the IRIS websites ( and, Web Services (, and data flow in- and out-of the DMC.

Apologies for both the late notice and any inconvenience, and please plan accordingly.

- Rob Newman, IRIS DMC

Rob Newman
Lead Technology Architect, IRIS DMC
[e] rnewman<at>

  • Hello web services users,

    All DMC systems are back online and web services are functioning normally.

    Thanks for you patience.


    On Dec 4, 2013, at 8:33 AM, Rob Newman <rnewman<at>> wrote:

    Hello web service users,

    IRIS Data Flow Planned Outage, December 4 2013

    The IRIS DMC will be offline for a maximum of three (3) hours on December 4th, 2013, starting at 10am Pacific Time. This is a planned outage and is due to hardware relocation to a new building.

    This will impact all the IRIS websites ( and, Web Services (, and data flow in- and out-of the DMC.

    Apologies for both the late notice and any inconvenience, and please plan accordingly.

    - Rob Newman, IRIS DMC

    Rob Newman
    Lead Technology Architect, IRIS DMC
    [e] rnewman<at>

    webservices mailing list

    • In the web page:
      it provides recommendations on how to run a BETA service.
      URL recommendations

      URLs for production FDSN services should follow this format:


      URLs for BETA FDSN services, if available, are recommended to follow this format:


      Where '...' denotes the individual services (should they exist) that are supported at your data center, e.g. station, event, dataselect

      However, using the IRIS Web Server Shell (wss), it appears that the
      for 2 web service services named "foo" with version "1", eg:
      and fdsnwsbeta/foo/1/
      the wss would use the SAME configuration files in tomcat's wss-config dir,
      since the config files names include on the service name and version,
      but NOT the domain (fdsnws vs fdsnwsbeta):

      We tried changing the version from 1 to beta1, but wss appears to be
      unhappy with this.

      Thanks for any suggestions.

      - Doug N
      Doug Neuhauser University of California, Berkeley
      doug<at> Berkeley Seismological Laboratory
      Office: 510-642-0931 215 McCone Hall # 4760
      Fax: 510-643-5811 Berkeley, CA 94720-4760
      Remote: 530-752-5615 (Wed,Fri)

      • Doug:

        On tomcat startup there should be a system property set like

        …. -DwssConfigDir=/mypath/confdir

        The wss will then look in there for service config files.

        So if your service was deployed to

        The WSS would look for:


        When you do ps -eaf and look at the java process you should see something like " -DwssConfigDir=/mypath/confdir “ in there.
        That’s how the wss figures out where to look.

        You can’t run both beta and production together unless you name the services like

        production /fdsn/dataselect/1
        beta /fdsn/dataselectbeta/1

        and then have config files like


        But I don’t think you want to do that!
        You want it to look like



        So that requires at least two tomcats.

        If you need to help setting up a bunch of tomcats, feel free to ask. I’ve got a nice way of doing it.


        On Dec 5, 2013, at 2:32 PM, Doug Neuhauser <doug<at>> wrote:

        In the web page:
        it provides recommendations on how to run a BETA service.
        URL recommendations

        URLs for production FDSN services should follow this format:


        URLs for BETA FDSN services, if available, are recommended to follow this format:


        Where '...' denotes the individual services (should they exist) that are supported at your data center, e.g. station, event, dataselect

        However, using the IRIS Web Server Shell (wss), it appears that the
        for 2 web service services named "foo" with version "1", eg:
        and fdsnwsbeta/foo/1/
        the wss would use the SAME configuration files in tomcat's wss-config dir,
        since the config files names include on the service name and version,
        but NOT the domain (fdsnws vs fdsnwsbeta):

        We tried changing the version from 1 to beta1, but wss appears to be
        unhappy with this.

        Thanks for any suggestions.

        - Doug N
        Doug Neuhauser University of California, Berkeley
        doug<at> Berkeley Seismological Laboratory
        Office: 510-642-0931 215 McCone Hall # 4760
        Fax: 510-643-5811 Berkeley, CA 94720-4760
        Remote: 530-752-5615 (Wed,Fri)
        webservices mailing list

        Bruce R Weertman
        Software Engineer
        IRIS DMC
        1408 NE 45h St, Suite 201
        Seattle, WA 98105

        (206) 547-0393

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