Hello Java and MATLAB web service users,
The DMC has updated the IRIS-WS Java library to version 2.0.6, available here:
This release includes a fix regarding the generated URLs for the fdsnws-station service and the level parameter.
You will also find a new jar file containing the basic classes needed to run the library without their dependencies, this allows using your own versions of the 3rd party libraries (SeisFile and SeedCodec). Dependencies created by the IRIS DMC can be downloaded from the same location if needed.
The update is backwards compatible with the previous version.
The Web Services Team
Who maintains http://www.fdsn.org?
We are unable to reach
http://www.fdsn.org/xml/station/fdsn-station-1.0.xsdand it is breaking
one of our validators.
Chad Trabant
2014-03-18 00:11:55
Hi Ellen,
The IRIS DMC currently hosts the www.fdsn.org website on a voluntary basis. The downtime of the site was almost certainly cause by system maintenance at the DMC today, which was announced here:
It was down for approximately 45 minutes, back up and running now.
Let me know if you are still having troubles accessing the site.
On Mar 17, 2014, at 2:27 PM, Ellen Yu <eyu<at>gps.caltech.edu> wrote:
Who maintains http://www.fdsn.org?
We are unable to reach http://www.fdsn.org/xml/station/fdsn-station-1.0.xsd and it is breaking one of our validators.
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