Thread: New mailing "list" for web service developers

Started: 2015-04-09 22:57:38
Last activity: 2015-04-09 22:57:38
Topics: Web Services
Chad Trabant
2015-04-09 22:57:38
Hello folks,

We have created a new discussion forum for developers using DMC web services and general discussions of web service development relevant to the IRIS community. This forum takes the form of a topic in the DMC's new Message Center and in effect functions as a mailing list:

To subscribe to the topic you first need to log into the Message Center and to log in you need to create an account. Creating an account is easily done, Yahoo, Google, OpenID, Facebook, LinkedIn accounts can all be used for authentication:

Please consider subscribing to this new topic if you would like to be involved in discussion of future web service features or developer-oriented questions about services.

As the DMC's Message Center is brand new you will also be helping us test this system and feedback would be appreciated. It is our intention to convert most or all of IRIS's mailing lists to this Message Center. This general web services list will be notified when it is converted.


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