Thread: Fetching restricted data with irisFetch.m

Started: 2015-06-25 09:01:19
Last activity: 2015-06-25 16:08:09
Topics: Web Services
Rob Porritt
2015-06-25 09:01:19

I've been working on some software which uses irisFetch to retrieve
waveform data. It is inefficient because I am currently making one call to
irisFetch.Traces() for each station-event pair, but if I try to add a user
name and password for restricted data, after a (seemingly) random (and
variable) number of requests, I get an error of invalid username/password
(line 280 in irisFetch.m) from the IRIS-WS jar (tested on IRIS-WS Java
Library versions 2.0.6 and 2.0.13 at least). I can force my program to
continue by removing the error() command in irisFetch.m, but would like to
know what could be causing this error from the jar file.


  • Robert Weekly
    2015-06-25 16:08:09
    Hi Rob,

    Thanks for sending in an email about this, it sounds like a frustrating experience. But some more information could help us investigate.

    To be clear, this is not happening on any particular call to irisFetch.Traces, but after running your program for “awhile”, irisFetch won’t recognize your un/pw anymore and won’t allow you to access data - is that accurate? Can you access all of this data outside of your program, with isolated calls to irisFetch.Traces ?

    Can you please provide the network, station, channel, start and end times for an example of some of the data you are accessing? We can start by taking a look at the restriction status of the metadata.


    Robert Weekly
    Quality and Deployment System Engineer
    [e] rtweekly<at>

    On Jun 24, 2015, at 7:01 PM, Rob Porritt <rporritt<at>> wrote:


    I've been working on some software which uses irisFetch to retrieve waveform data. It is inefficient because I am currently making one call to irisFetch.Traces() for each station-event pair, but if I try to add a user name and password for restricted data, after a (seemingly) random (and variable) number of requests, I get an error of invalid username/password (line 280 in irisFetch.m) from the IRIS-WS jar (tested on IRIS-WS Java Library versions 2.0.6 and 2.0.13 at least). I can force my program to continue by removing the error() command in irisFetch.m, but would like to know what could be causing this error from the jar file.

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