Thread: colour in sac2000 under linux

Started: 2006-09-13 17:11:30
Last activity: 2006-09-15 18:42:26
Topics: SAC Help
Steve Sherburn
2006-09-13 17:11:30
Does anyone have a work around for the problem of getting colour in
sac2000 under linux? This is particularly a hassle with the spectrogram
command where you cannot see the spectrogram at all. If I issue the
command "spectrogram gray" I get an error

spectrogram gray
Window size: 79 Overlap: 39 FFT size: 256
Spectrogram dimensions are 512 by 23 .
X Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
Major opcode of failed request: 72 (X_PutImage)
Serial number of failed request: 67
Current serial number in output stream: 72

I am running Fedora Core 3. A colleague running Fedora Core 5 got a
similar error message with the "spectrogram color" command.

Many thanks,


Steven Sherburn
GNS Science
New Zealand

  • andreas wessel
    2006-09-15 18:42:26
    Hi Steve,

    I don't know about sac2000, but I get a coloured spectrogram with Sac 100.01.

    Strangely enough, the command "spectrogram gray" produces a coloured
    spectogram as well.
    (I'm running debain-based ubuntu 6 with X 7.0)

    Maybe there is a different command to really force a non-coloured output?
    Have you tried Sac 100.01, it has a bugfix for X Window manager and works
    better for me than Sac 100.00.


    On 9/13/06, Steve Sherburn <S.Sherburn<at>> wrote:

    Does anyone have a work around for the problem of getting colour in
    sac2000 under linux? This is particularly a hassle with the spectrogram
    command where you cannot see the spectrogram at all. If I issue the
    command "spectrogram gray" I get an error

    spectrogram gray
    Window size: 79 Overlap: 39 FFT size: 256
    Spectrogram dimensions are 512 by 23 .
    X Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
    Major opcode of failed request: 72 (X_PutImage)
    Serial number of failed request: 67
    Current serial number in output stream: 72

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