Thread: NOTICE: database maintenance today @ 10:30 PDT (UTC-7)

Started: 2015-10-13 16:21:42
Last activity: 2015-10-13 19:03:10
Topics: Web Services
Hello Web Services users,

Today at 10:30 am PDT (UTC - 7) there will be some maintenance being perormed on the IRIS DMC database. The maintenance period is expected to last ~90 minutes. During this time, most web pages associated with web services ( and IRIS Data Services ( are expected to be unresponsive.

Most users should not notice any problems during this period, however, some clients may not function properly as they will be redirected to our secondary data center. We encourage all users to make alternate plans for their data request needs.

Web Services Team
  • Hello Web Service users,

    At this time, the database maintenance has been completed and all web services at the DMC have been re-enabled. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this period.

    We now return to your regularly scheduled programming.


    On Oct 13, 2015, at 9:22 AM, Robert Weekly <rtweekly<at>> wrote:

    Hello Web Services users,

    Today at 10:30 am PDT (UTC - 7) there will be some maintenance being perormed on the IRIS DMC database. The maintenance period is expected to last ~90 minutes. During this time, most web pages associated with web services ( and IRIS Data Services ( are expected to be unresponsive.

    Most users should not notice any problems during this period, however, some clients may not function properly as they will be redirected to our secondary data center. We encourage all users to make alternate plans for their data request needs.

    Web Services Team

    Web Services (

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