Thread: fdsnws-dataselect: issue with stream not served by IRIS

Started: 2015-10-28 00:09:04
Last activity: 2015-10-28 18:23:49
Topics: Web Services

when I submit a request to fdsnws-dataselect @ IRIS, I sometimes get
incomplete data back. It turns out that this is the case whenever I
include in my request streams that are not available from IRIS.

An example request is given in the attachment. The request includes data
of four networks: IC, II, IS, and IU. Note that network IS is not
archived at IRIS. The reason why I request the data in this brute force
manner is that the client software used here does not (yet) allow
routing of individual request items. I therefore just send the request
to IRIS expecting to get what IRIS has.

But there are data missing (besides IS as expected), namely all IU data.
The HTTP status code is 200, indicating no error.

I guess it shouldn't be like that. Either the request is rejected
because it contains items I should not have requested. Or I should get
all data that is available and any unavailable items are simply ignored.

If I remove the request lines for network IS, the request is processed

IC BJT 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:06:12.232797 2012-07-12T14:10:13.1526
IC ENH 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:05:48.503113 2012-07-12T14:09:49.00929
IC HIA 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:06:28.432471 2012-07-12T14:10:29.708752
IC KMI 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:05:20.650935 2012-07-12T14:09:20.853284
IC LSA 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:03:33.346656 2012-07-12T14:07:28.382397
IC MDJ 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:07:26.531676 2012-07-12T14:11:28.610181
IC QIZ 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:06:36.539361 2012-07-12T14:10:37.565106
IC WMQ 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:02:53.200276 2012-07-12T14:05:54.033209
IC XAN 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:05:33.93862 2012-07-12T14:09:34.531049
II ARU 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:04:08.40797 2012-07-12T14:08:05.526532
II BORG 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:09:10.707694 2012-07-12T14:13:14.738904
II BRVK 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:03:13.680344 2012-07-12T14:07:10.056775
II COCO 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:08:40.648136 2012-07-12T14:12:43.605725
II ESK 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:08:25.069538 2012-07-12T14:12:29.035291
II FFC 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:12:06.569538 2012-07-12T14:16:13.676953
II KDAK 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:11:18.119536 2012-07-12T14:15:24.090344
II KIV 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:04:19.739005 2012-07-12T14:08:17.379651
II KURK 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:02:56.494945 2012-07-12T14:06:55.543073
II MSEY 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:07:18.291274 2012-07-12T14:11:19.947156
II NIL 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:00:28.388799 2012-07-12T14:03:28.991155
II OBN 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:05:23.767785 2012-07-12T14:09:24.62486
II PALK 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:05:29.054858 2012-07-12T14:09:29.282452
II SUR 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:11:38.189793 2012-07-12T14:15:44.121777
II TLY 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:05:04.752587 2012-07-12T14:09:05.107037
II UOSS 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:03:18.816566 2012-07-12T14:07:15.399731
II WRAB 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:11:31.469537 2012-07-12T14:15:39.248181
IS HRFI -- BHZ 2012-07-12T14:05:29.75235 2012-07-12T14:09:30.3961
IS KSDI -- BHZ 2012-07-12T14:05:16.500741 2012-07-12T14:09:16.744061
IS KZIT -- BHZ 2012-07-12T14:05:31.815372 2012-07-12T14:09:32.161969
IS MMLI -- BHZ 2012-07-12T14:05:20.150406 2012-07-12T14:09:20.416516
IU ANMO 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:13:37.057019 2012-07-12T14:16:42.769538
IU ANTO 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:05:25.08714 2012-07-12T14:09:25.484845
IU CHTO 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:05:27.569539 2012-07-12T14:09:28.057599
IU CTAO 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:12:14.069537 2012-07-12T14:16:21.439465
IU GRFO -- BHZ 2012-07-12T14:07:25.836094 2012-07-12T14:11:27.98573
IU GUMO 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:10:21.055523 2012-07-12T14:14:25.347791
IU INCN 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:07:22.543834 2012-07-12T14:11:24.449536
IU KBL -- BHZ 2012-07-12T14:00:16.668104 2012-07-12T14:03:16.792151
IU KEV 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:06:56.269538 2012-07-12T14:10:58.446118
IU KIEV 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:05:49.260621 2012-07-12T14:09:51.02702
IU KONO 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:07:29.919537 2012-07-12T14:11:33.134717
IU LCO -- BHZ 2012-07-12T14:18:51.877863 2012-07-12T14:21:52.973191
IU LSZ 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:09:56.269538 2012-07-12T14:14:00.820874
IU MA2 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:08:41.501191 2012-07-12T14:12:44.997449
IU MAJO 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:08:31.749509 2012-07-12T14:12:34.70271
IU MAKZ 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:02:33.05988 2012-07-12T14:05:34.595007
IU NWAO 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:11:29.619538 2012-07-12T14:15:36.331128
IU OTAV 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:18:28.73412 2012-07-12T14:21:29.219537
IU PAB 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:09:04.319537 2012-07-12T14:13:08.681531
IU PET 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:09:23.136 2012-07-12T14:13:28.794507
IU RSSD 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:12:55.864922 2012-07-12T14:15:56.819537
IU SAML 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:18:21.269538 2012-07-12T14:21:22.095939
IU SBA 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:18:13.34795 2012-07-12T14:21:13.396847
IU SDV 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:18:05.519538 2012-07-12T14:21:06.950301
IU TIXI 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:07:36.011052 2012-07-12T14:11:39.262891
IU TRQA 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:18:41.169537 2012-07-12T14:21:44.371383
IU TSUM 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:10:53.769537 2012-07-12T14:14:59.190442
IU ULN 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:05:14.922538 2012-07-12T14:09:15.340222
IU YAK 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:07:22.073145 2012-07-12T14:11:24.944897
IU YSS 00 BHZ 2012-07-12T14:08:30.638966 2012-07-12T14:12:33.75105

  • Hi Joachim,

    We've confirmed the problem and are testing a fix. The issue is due to a bug in our fdsnws-station service and effects both that service and the fdsnws-dataselect service. Specifically, the results of a query to those services will not include results for any network codes following, in an alphanumerically sorted list, a network code that we do not have meta(data) for.

    Thank you for reporting this issue. We expect to release an fix very shortly.


    On Oct 27, 2015, at 9:10 AM, Joachim Saul <saul<at>> wrote:


    when I submit a request to fdsnws-dataselect @ IRIS, I sometimes get incomplete data back. It turns out that this is the case whenever I include in my request streams that are not available from IRIS.

    An example request is given in the attachment. The request includes data of four networks: IC, II, IS, and IU. Note that network IS is not archived at IRIS. The reason why I request the data in this brute force manner is that the client software used here does not (yet) allow routing of individual request items. I therefore just send the request to IRIS expecting to get what IRIS has.

    But there are data missing (besides IS as expected), namely all IU data. The HTTP status code is 200, indicating no error.

    I guess it shouldn't be like that. Either the request is rejected because it contains items I should not have requested. Or I should get all data that is available and any unavailable items are simply ignored.

    If I remove the request lines for network IS, the request is processed properly.

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