Can SAC make response spectra? If not, how can sac files be converted for
MATLAB to read?
Thanks for the help,
Can SAC make response spectra? If not, how can sac files be converted for
MATLAB to read?
Thanks for the help,
Alternative matlab routines for reading sac files for Sun binary order.
Attached file is the same as first link but for PC byte order.
feigelso<at> wrote:
Can SAC make response spectra? If not, how can sac files be converted for
MATLAB to read?
Thanks for the help,
sac-help mailing list
Frederik Tilmann
Bullard Laboratories Tel. +44 1223 765545
Department of Earth Sciences Fax. +44 1223 360779
University of Cambridge email: tilmann<at>
Madingley Road
Cambridge CB3 0EZ
function [SACdata,SeisData,sacfiles]=sacpc2mat(varargin)
% [SACdata,SeisData,filenames] = SACPCMAT('file1','file2',..., 'filen' )
% reads n SAC files file1, file2, filen (SAC files are assumed to have
% PC byte order) and converts them to matlab
% format. The filenames can contain globbing characters (e.g. * and ?).
% These are expanded and all matching files loaded.
% SACPCMAT( cellarray ) where cellarray={'file1','file2',...,'filen'}
% is equivalent to the standard form.
% SACdata is an n x 1 struct array containing the header variables
% in the same format as is obtained by using MAT function
% of SAC2000.
% SACdata(i).trcLen contains the number of samples.
% SeisData is an m x n array (where m=max(npts1, npts2, ...) )
% containing the actual data.
% filenames is a n x 1 string cell array with the filenames actually read.
% Note that writing
% [SACdata,SeisData] = sacsun2mat('file1','file2',..., 'filen' )
% is equivalent to the following sequence
% sac2000
% READ file1 file2 .. filen
% (in fact the failure of above sequence to work properly on my
% system motivated this script).
% SACPC2MAT was written by F Tilmann (tilmann<at>
% based on sac_sun2pc_mat by C. D. Saragiotis (I copied the
% routines doing the actual work from this code but
% used a different header structure and made the routine
% flexible).
% It was tested on MATLAB5 on a PC but
% should work on newer versions, too.
% (C) 2004
F = 4-1; % float byte-size minus 1;
K = 8-1; % alphanumeric byte-size minus 1
L = 4-1; % long integer byte-size minus 1;
for i=1:nargin
if ischar(varargin{i})
fnames=cell([fnames; cellstr(varargin{i})]);
elseif iscellstr(varargin{i}) & size(varargin{i},1)==1
fnames=cell([fnames; varargin{i}']);
elseif iscellstr(varargin{i}) & size(varargin{i},2)==1
fnames=cell([fnames; varargin{i}]);
% expand globs
for i=1:length(fnames)
for j=1:length(dirlist)
if ~dirlist(j).isdir
for i=1:length(sacfiles)
if fid==-1
error(sprintf('Could not open SAC file %s',fnames{i}))
if npts>maxnpts
fprintf('Processing file %d: %s\n',i,sacfiles{i});
SeisData(npts,i)=0; % Magnify seis matrix if necessary
SeisData(:,i)=[ readSacData(fid,npts,F+1); zeros(maxnpts-npts,1)]; % Have to pad with zeros if new data have less data points than some previously read file
function hdr = readSacHeader(fileId,F,K,L)
% hdr = readSacHeader(FID)
% sacReadAlphaNum reads the SAC-format header fields and returns most of them.
% The output variable, 'hdr' is a structure, whose fields are
% the fields as in the SACdata structure generated by SAC's
% matlab command MAT
% Created by C. D. Saragiotis, August 5th, 2003, modified by F Tilmann
headerBytes = 632;
chrctr = fread(fileId,headerBytes,'uchar');
chrctr = chrctr(:)';
% Read floats = sacReadFloat(chrctr(1:1+F)); % increment between evenly spaced samples
%hdr.DEPMIN = sacReadFloat(chrctr(5:5+F)); % MINimum value of DEPendent variable
%hdr.DEPMAX = sacReadFloat(chrctr(9:9+F)); % MAXimum value of DEPendent variable
% (not currently used) SCALE = sacReadFloat(chrctr(13:13+F)); % Mult SCALE factor for dependent variable
%hdr.ODELTA = sacReadFloat(chrctr(17:17+F)); % Observd increment if different than DELTA
hdr.times.b = sacReadFloat(chrctr(21:21+F)); % Begining value of the independent variable
hdr.times.e = sacReadFloat(chrctr(25:25+F)); % Ending value of the independent variable
hdr.times.o = sacReadFloat(chrctr(29:29+F)); % event Origin time
hdr.times.a = sacReadFloat(chrctr(33:33+F)); % first Arrival time
hdr.times.t0 = sacReadFloat(chrctr(41:41+F));
hdr.times.t1 = sacReadFloat(chrctr(45:45+F));
hdr.times.t2 = sacReadFloat(chrctr(49:49+F));
hdr.times.t3 = sacReadFloat(chrctr(53:53+F));
hdr.times.t4 = sacReadFloat(chrctr(57:57+F));
hdr.times.t5 = sacReadFloat(chrctr(61:61+F));
hdr.times.t6 = sacReadFloat(chrctr(65:65+F));
hdr.times.t7 = sacReadFloat(chrctr(69:69+F));
hdr.times.t8 = sacReadFloat(chrctr(73:73+F));
hdr.times.t9 = sacReadFloat(chrctr(77:77+F));
hdr.times.f = sacReadFloat(chrctr(81:81+F)); % Fini of event time
hdr.response = sacReadFloat(reshape(chrctr(85:85+10*(F+1)-1),F+1,10)');
hdr.station.stla = sacReadFloat(chrctr(125:125+F)); % STation LAttitude
hdr.station.stlo = sacReadFloat(chrctr(129:129+F)); % STation LOngtitude
hdr.station.stel = sacReadFloat(chrctr(133:133+F)); % STation ELevation
hdr.station.stdp = sacReadFloat(chrctr(137:137+F)); % STation DePth below surface
hdr.event.ecla = sacReadFloat(chrctr(141:141+F)); % EVent LAttitude
hdr.event.evlo = sacReadFloat(chrctr(145:145+F)); % EVent LOngtitude
hdr.event.evel = sacReadFloat(chrctr(149:149+F)); % EVent ELevation
hdr.event.evdp = sacReadFloat(chrctr(153:153+F)); % EVent DePth below surface
hdr.event.mag = sacReadFloat(chrctr(157:157+F)); % EVent DePth below surface
hdr.evsta.dist = sacReadFloat(chrctr(201:201+F)); % station to event DISTance (km) = sacReadFloat(chrctr(205:205+F)); % event to station AZimuth (degrees)
hdr.evsta.baz = sacReadFloat(chrctr(209:209+F)); % station to event AZimuth (degrees)
hdr.evsta.gcarc = sacReadFloat(chrctr(213:213+F)); % station to event Great Circle ARC length (degrees)
%hdr.DEPMEN = sacReadFloat(chrctr(225:225+F)); % MEaN value of DEPendent variable
hdr.station.cmpaz = sacReadFloat(chrctr(229:229+F)); % CoMPonent AZimuth (degrees clockwise from north)
hdr.station.cmpinc = sacReadFloat(chrctr(233:233+F)); % CoMPonent INCident angle (degrees from vertical)
hdr.llnl.xminimum = sacReadFloat(chrctr(237:237+L));
hdr.llnl.xmaximum = sacReadFloat(chrctr(241:241+L));
hdr.llnl.yminimum = sacReadFloat(chrctr(245:245+L));
hdr.llnl.ymaximum = sacReadFloat(chrctr(249:249+L));
% Read long integers
hdr.event.nzyear = sacReadLong(chrctr(281:281+L)); % GMT YEAR
hdr.event.nzjday = sacReadLong(chrctr(285:285+L)); % GMT julian DAY
hdr.event.nzhour = sacReadLong(chrctr(289:289+L)); % GMT HOUR
hdr.event.nzmin = sacReadLong(chrctr(293:293+L)); % GMT MINute
hdr.event.nzsec = sacReadLong(chrctr(297:297+L)); % GMT SECond
hdr.event.nzmsec = sacReadLong(chrctr(301:301+L)); % GMT MilliSECond
hdr.llnl.norid = sacReadLong(chrctr(309:309+L));
hdr.llnl.nevid = sacReadLong(chrctr(313:313+L));
hdr.trcLen = sacReadLong(chrctr(317:317+L)); % Number of PoinTS per data component
hdr.llnl.nwfid = sacReadLong(chrctr(325:325+L));
hdr.llnl.nxsize = sacReadLong(chrctr(329:329+L));
hdr.llnl.nysize = sacReadLong(chrctr(333:333+L));
hdr.descrip.iftype = sacReadLong(chrctr(341:341+L)); % File TYPE
hdr.descrip.idep = sacReadLong(chrctr(345:345+L)); % type of DEPendent variable
hdr.descrip.iztype = sacReadLong(chrctr(349:349+L)); % reference time equivalence
hdr.descrip.iinst = sacReadLong(chrctr(357:357+L)); % type of recording INSTrument
% Before there were floats read here?
hdr.descrip.istreg = sacReadLong(chrctr(361:361+F)); % STation geographic REGion
hdr.descrip.ievreg = sacReadLong(chrctr(365:365+F)); % EVent geographic REGion
hdr.descrip.ievtyp = sacReadLong(chrctr(369:369+F)); % EVent geographic REGion
hdr.descrip.iqual = sacReadLong(chrctr(373:373+F)); % QUALity of data
hdr.descrip.isynth = sacReadLong(chrctr(377:377+F)); % SYNTHetic data flag
hdr.event.imagtyp = sacReadLong(chrctr(381:381+F));
hdr.event.imagsrc = sacReadLong(chrctr(385:385+F));
% no logical SAC header variables in matlab SACdata structure!
% previous version set these defaults
% $$$ % SAC defaults
% $$$ hdr.IEVTYPE = 'IUNKN';
% $$$ %IEVTYPE= sacReadFloat(chrctr(369:369+F)); % EVent TYPE
% $$$ hdr.LEVEN = 'TRUE'; % true, if data are EVENly spaced (required)
% $$$ %LEVEN= sacReadFloat(chrctr(421:521+F)); % true, if data are EVENly spaced (required)
% $$$ hdr.LPSPOL = 'FALSE'; % true, if station components have a PoSitive POLarity
% $$$ %LPSPOL= sacReadFloat(chrctr(425:425+F)); % true, if station components have a PoSitive POLarity
% $$$ hdr.LOVROK = 'FALSE'; % true, if it is OK to OVeRwrite this file in disk
% $$$ %LOVROK= sacReadFloat(chrctr(429:429+F)); % true, if it is OK to OVeRwrite this file in disk
% $$$ hdr.LCALDA = 'TRUE'; % true, if DIST, AZ, BAZ and GCARC are to be calculated from station and event coordinates
% $$$ %LCALDA= sacReadFloat(chrctr(433:433+F)); % true, if DIST, AZ, BAZ and GCARC are to be calculated from station and event coordinates
% Read alphanumeric data
hdr.station.kstnm = sacReadAlphaNum(chrctr(441:441+K)); % STation NaMe
hdr.event.kevnm = sacReadAlphaNum(chrctr(449:449+2*(K+1)-1)); % EVent NaMe
%hdr.KHOLE = sacReadAlphaNum(chrctr(465:465+K)); % HOLE identification, if nuclear event
hdr.times.ko = sacReadAlphaNum(chrctr(473:473+K)); % event Origin time identification
hdr.times.ka = sacReadAlphaNum(chrctr(481:481+K)); % first Arrival time identification
hdr.times.kt0 = sacReadAlphaNum(chrctr(489:489+K));
hdr.times.kt1 = sacReadAlphaNum(chrctr(497:497+K));
hdr.times.kt2 = sacReadAlphaNum(chrctr(505:505+K));
hdr.times.kt3 = sacReadAlphaNum(chrctr(513:513+K));
hdr.times.kt4 = sacReadAlphaNum(chrctr(521:521+K));
hdr.times.kt5 = sacReadAlphaNum(chrctr(529:529+K));
hdr.times.kt6 = sacReadAlphaNum(chrctr(537:537+K));
hdr.times.kt7 = sacReadAlphaNum(chrctr(545:545+K));
hdr.times.kt8 = sacReadAlphaNum(chrctr(553:553+K));
hdr.times.kt9 = sacReadAlphaNum(chrctr(561:561+K));
hdr.times.kf = sacReadAlphaNum(chrctr(569:569+K)); % Fini identification
kuser0 = sacReadAlphaNum(chrctr(577:577+K)); % USER-defined variable storage area
kuser1 = sacReadAlphaNum(chrctr(585:585+K)); % USER-defined variable storage area
kuser2 = sacReadAlphaNum(chrctr(593:593+K)); % USER-defined variable storage area
hdr.station.kcmpnm = sacReadAlphaNum(chrctr(601:601+K)); % CoMPonent NaMe
hdr.station.knetwk = sacReadAlphaNum(chrctr(609:609+K)); % name of seismic NETWorK
%hdr.KDATRD = sacReadAlphaNum(chrctr(617:617+K)); % DATa Recording Date onto the computer
%hdr.KINST = sacReadAlphaNum(chrctr(625:625+K)); % generic name of recording INSTrument
[hdr.user(1:10).label]=deal(kuser0, kuser1,kuser2,[], [], [], [], [], [], []);
function X = readSacData(fid,N,F)
% function data = readSacData('filename',NPTS,floatByteSize)
chrctr = fread(fid,N*F,'uchar');
X = sacReadFloat(x);
function lNumber = sacReadLong(cb)
% reads long integers (4 bytes long)
% cb is the character buffer
cb = cb(:);
% SUN sac format use: lNumber = (256.^(3:-1:0))*cb;
lNumber = (256.^(0:3))*cb; % changed line
if lNumber == -12345, lNumber = []; end
function fNumber = sacReadFloat(cb)
% reads floats (4 bytes long)
% cb is the character buffer
C = size(cb,1);
% SUN sac format use: stringOfBitSequence = [dec2bin(cb(:,1),8) dec2bin(cb(:,2),8) dec2bin(cb(:,3),8) dec2bin(cb(:,4),8)];
stringOfBitSequence = [dec2bin(cb(:,4),8) dec2bin(cb(:,3),8) ...
dec2bin(cb(:,2),8) dec2bin(cb(:,1),8)]; %changed line
bitSequence = stringOfBitSequence=='1';
fSign = -2*bitSequence(:,1)+1;
fExp = bitSequence(:,2:9)*(2.^(7:-1:0)') - 127;
fMantissa = [ones(C,1) bitSequence(:,10:32)]*(2.^(0:-1:-23)');
fNumber = fSign.*fMantissa.*(2.^fExp);
isZeroCheck = sum(bitSequence')'==0;
fNumber = fNumber.*(~isZeroCheck);
if C==1 & fNumber == -12345, fNumber = []; end
function alphaNum = sacReadAlphaNum(cb)
% reads alphanumeric data (8 or 16 bytes long). If it cb is empty, it returns a ' '
% cb is the character buffer
K = max(size(cb));
alphaNumTemp = char(cb);
if K == 8
if alphaNumTemp == '-12345 '
alphaNum = [];
alphaNum = alphaNumTemp;
if K == 16
if alphaNumTemp == '-12345 -12345 ' | alphaNumTemp == '-12345 '
alphaNum = [];
alphaNum = alphaNumTemp;