I'm trying to store a slowness value into one of the SAC header user fields
to be used later for binning. I was hoping to use the value calculated in
TauP for the event distance/depth specific to each trace and then store it
in the header. I saw the man page on 'traveltime' but am not sure if I can
extend this to slowness or how to implement it (preferably in the macro I
am using to pick arrival times and cut traces, etc).
Can this be done? If so, what is the best approach? I am using sac2000
SEISMIC ANALYSIS CODE [07/21/2003 (Version 00.59.46)] on Solaris.
Anna M. Courtier
Geology and Geophysics
108 Pillsbury Hall
310 Pillsbury Dr SE
Minneapolis MN 55455
Office 200G Pillsbury
Phone: 612-624-8557
Hi Anna,
TauP has a utility called taup_setsac, it inserts a theoretical travel
time in the t0-t9 sac header values, and at the same time it inserts the
corresponding ray parameters (slownesses) in user0-user9. I've never used
it for this latter purpose, but assume it works. The taup documentation
should help you further if you want to try it.
PNSN/UW seismology
On Thu, 26 Oct
2006, Anna M. Courtier wrote:
I'm trying to store a slowness value into one of the SAC header user fields
to be used later for binning. I was hoping to use the value calculated in
TauP for the event distance/depth specific to each trace and then store it in
the header. I saw the man page on 'traveltime' but am not sure if I can
extend this to slowness or how to implement it (preferably in the macro I am
using to pick arrival times and cut traces, etc).
Can this be done? If so, what is the best approach? I am using sac2000
SEISMIC ANALYSIS CODE [07/21/2003 (Version 00.59.46)] on Solaris.