The following article provides a strong argument for better
engineered buildings. Maybe one of your students will be among the
structural engineers who contribute to making future buildings safer.
From: GS-D-HQ Office of Communications <officeofcomm<at>>
To: usgs-news<at>
Even new buildings at risk in Big One (Los Angeles Daily News (CA)), 8/15
Study explores Valley impact
By Dana Bartholomew, Staff Writer
When the Big One hits, even the most advanced steel high-rises across
the San Fernando Valley will be at risk of collapse, according to a
recently published Caltech study. A magnitude-7.9 earthquake could
topple buildings built to standards in the latest codes, according to
advanced 3-D supercomputer earthquake simulations.
#################################/ John C. Lahr
################################/ Emeritus Seismologist
###############################/ U.S. Geological Survey
==========================/ Central Region Geologic Hazards Team
PO Box 548 /###################################
Corvallis, Oregon 97339 /===============================
Phone: (541) 758-2699 /####################################
Cell: (541) 740-4844 /#####################################
Fax: (928) 569-0113 /######################################
jjpub<at> /#######################################
engineered buildings. Maybe one of your students will be among the
structural engineers who contribute to making future buildings safer.
From: GS-D-HQ Office of Communications <officeofcomm<at>>
To: usgs-news<at>
Even new buildings at risk in Big One (Los Angeles Daily News (CA)), 8/15
Study explores Valley impact
By Dana Bartholomew, Staff Writer
When the Big One hits, even the most advanced steel high-rises across
the San Fernando Valley will be at risk of collapse, according to a
recently published Caltech study. A magnitude-7.9 earthquake could
topple buildings built to standards in the latest codes, according to
advanced 3-D supercomputer earthquake simulations.
#################################/ John C. Lahr
################################/ Emeritus Seismologist
###############################/ U.S. Geological Survey
==========================/ Central Region Geologic Hazards Team
PO Box 548 /###################################
Corvallis, Oregon 97339 /===============================
Phone: (541) 758-2699 /####################################
Cell: (541) 740-4844 /#####################################
Fax: (928) 569-0113 /######################################
jjpub<at> /#######################################