Thread: Michael Breed Podcasts

Started: 2007-11-28 19:12:06
Last activity: 2007-11-28 19:12:06
Topics: IRIS EPO
John Lahr
2007-11-28 19:12:06
I want to draw your attention to the podcasts that Michael Breed is
generating. Michael is an Earth Science teacher in Binghamton, NY,
who runs one of the IRIS AS-1 instruments. He's made podcasts on
many subjects for his class (and others) to enjoy.

His Episode 23 - Seismology Rocks!
is all about seismology and his AS-1.

Michael describes below how to listen to his podcasts.


Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2007 05:07:23 -0500
From: "Michael Breed" <mbreed<at>>
To: <johnjan<at>>
Subject: Re: Podcast

I throw the music in for the kids and to help out some indie
bands. It's just some "extra" stuff I add. If you're "subscribed"
it means you'll be notified of new episodes. On iTunes, they
download automatically. Probably using iTunes is the easiest way...
to find me, just download and install iTunes from Apple's website
(it's free). Go to the iTunes Store and do a search for Michael
Breed. "Let's Get Down To Earth... Science" will be a
result. Anyone can subscribe for free.

Otherwise, any RSS capable reader such as Safari, Firefox, etc. can
read the feed by going to
Googling "Let's get down to earth science" will get the feed on the
first hit. I hope you liked the show :) People from all over the
world listen, believe it or not. I just had a musician whose music
I played offer to write and record a theme song for me. He sent me
a free CD too. Cool stuff!

Michael Breed
Chenango Valley High School Science Dept.
1160 Chenango Street
Binghamton, NY 13901
(607) 779-4743 x4248
John Lahr <johnjan<at>> 11/28/07 2:31 AM >>>
Hi Mike,

Michael Hubenthal sent me the link to your Podcase on the AS1. Very nice!

I would like to send an announcement to the IRISED list so the other
educators can hear what you're up to.


What is the easiest way for teachers to listen to a podcast? I
"subscribed" using Google, but am not sure what it means to be subscribed.


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