This is a great opportunity to learn other geophysical methods besides
seismology, and it is not limited to only undergraduates.
-Andy (SAGE Class of 2002)
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [iris-bulk] Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience (SAGE) 2014
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 14:02:41 -0500
From: Larry Braile <braile<at>>
To: bulkmail<at>
Reminder: We are pleased to again announce the Summer of Applied
Geophysical Experience (SAGE) program for 2014.
SAGE is a four week graduate and advanced undergraduate research and
education program in exploration geophysics based in Santa Fe, New
Mexico, USA. SAGE students, faculty, teaching assistants and visiting
scientists acquire, process and interpret reflection/refraction seismic,
MT/EM, GPR, gravity and magnetics data at a shallow archaeological site
and at the sedimentary basin scale in the Rio Grande rift. We
particularly encourage 1) qualified students who are U. S. citizens or
Permanent Residents (PR) who will have completed their junioryear and
the requisite physics and math before SAGE, and 2) qualified U. S.
graduatestudents in all stages of their careers to apply. All qualified
applicants, including International and Professional, are welcome.
For application, reference forms, further details and a description of
the program refer to or contact Georgia at +1
(505) 663-5291 or e-mail georgia<at> A SAGE 2014 one-page flyer
is available at: (please pass
on to students who might be interested). The application deadline is
March 28, 2014.
Highlights of the SAGE 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 programs are available
at:,, and,
Larry Braile
*/Lawrence W. Braile, Professor/*
/Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences (EAPS)/
/550 Stadium Mall Drive/
/Purdue University/
/West Lafayette, IN 47907-2051/
/(765) 494-5979 (O), (765) 496-1210 (Fax)/
/E-mail: braile<at> <braile<at>>/
/Web page:
/Departmental web page: /
/SAGE web page: /
Bulkmail mailing list
seismology, and it is not limited to only undergraduates.
-Andy (SAGE Class of 2002)
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [iris-bulk] Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience (SAGE) 2014
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 14:02:41 -0500
From: Larry Braile <braile<at>>
To: bulkmail<at>
Reminder: We are pleased to again announce the Summer of Applied
Geophysical Experience (SAGE) program for 2014.
SAGE is a four week graduate and advanced undergraduate research and
education program in exploration geophysics based in Santa Fe, New
Mexico, USA. SAGE students, faculty, teaching assistants and visiting
scientists acquire, process and interpret reflection/refraction seismic,
MT/EM, GPR, gravity and magnetics data at a shallow archaeological site
and at the sedimentary basin scale in the Rio Grande rift. We
particularly encourage 1) qualified students who are U. S. citizens or
Permanent Residents (PR) who will have completed their junioryear and
the requisite physics and math before SAGE, and 2) qualified U. S.
graduatestudents in all stages of their careers to apply. All qualified
applicants, including International and Professional, are welcome.
For application, reference forms, further details and a description of
the program refer to or contact Georgia at +1
(505) 663-5291 or e-mail georgia<at> A SAGE 2014 one-page flyer
is available at: (please pass
on to students who might be interested). The application deadline is
March 28, 2014.
Highlights of the SAGE 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 programs are available
at:,, and,
Larry Braile
*/Lawrence W. Braile, Professor/*
/Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences (EAPS)/
/550 Stadium Mall Drive/
/Purdue University/
/West Lafayette, IN 47907-2051/
/(765) 494-5979 (O), (765) 496-1210 (Fax)/
/E-mail: braile<at> <braile<at>>/
/Web page:
/Departmental web page: /
/SAGE web page: /
Bulkmail mailing list