Thread: Fwd: Apply to Sail on Cascadia Initiative Expedition - Summer 2014

Started: 2014-03-31 17:51:19
Last activity: 2014-03-31 17:51:19
Topics: Early Careers
Another aquatic opportunity.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [GeoPRISMS] Apply to Sail on Cascadia Initiative Expedition -
Summer 2014
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 10:33:20 -0400
From: geoprisms-l<at>
Reply-To: geoprisms-list<at>
To: geoprisms-l<at>

*Apply to Sail on Cascadia Initiative Expedition - Summer 2014*

/*Opportunity for Students and Early-Career Scientists:*/ /*Sail on a
Cascadia Initiative Expedition in 2014*/

Application Deadlines: April 15th (Leg 1 only) and May 1st, 2014 (all
other legs)

Students and early-career scientists are invited to sail on Cascadia
Initiative (CI) Expeditions during the 2014 field season. The Cascadia
Initiative Expedition Team (CIET) is leading six oceanographic
expeditions during 2014 that will recover and redeploy ocean bottom
seismometers (OBSs) as part of the NSF-sponsored Cascadia Initiative.
The scientific goals of the CI and expedition details can be found at On each of the expeditions berths for 2 to
4 additional students/scientists will be available. Cruise schedules are
approximate and dates could change up to one week in either direction;
applicants should possess sufficient flexibility in their schedule to
accommodate this uncertainty and must arrive in port at least one full
day prior to sailing. Travel funds will be provided to and from the port
of departure (Newport, Oregon).

The goal of this call for open participation is to help expand the user
base of OBS data by providing opportunities for students and scientists
to directly experience at-sea acquisition of OBS data. Participants must
have a strong interest in learning field techniques, be willing to work
long hours at sea assisting in OBS deployment, recovery and preliminary
data processing, and have an interest in working with the data
collected. Eligible applicants include graduate students and
early-career scientists in fields related to seismology. Preference will
be given to employees of U.S. institutions. All CI data is publically
available via the IRIS DMC.

Applications should be completed on line by May 1, 2014; except
applications for Leg 1, which are due April 15, 2014:

A 2-page CV and a brief statement of interest (not to exceed 250
words) describing the applicant's experience in geophysics and
motivation for participating in this expedition are requested.
Applicants who will be graduate students during summer 2014 must include
a letter of support from their advisor. Participants will be ranked by
the CIET and notified by May 15, 2014; except Leg 1 participants, who
will be notified by April 22, 2014.

Questions should be directed to Emilie Hooft emilie <at>

More information can be found at

*Leg 1 (OC1405A), 10 May - May 23 (Collins)
*Leg 2 (OC1405B), 28 May - 2 June (Fowler)
*Leg 3 (R/V Thompson), 22 June - 7 July (Allen/Tolstoy)

*Leg 4 (OC1407A), 10 July - 20 July (Wilcock/Fowler)
*Leg 5 (OC1407B), 22 July - 31 July (Nabalek/Braunmiller)
*Gorda PI (OC1408A), 5 Aug - 20 Aug (Nabalek/Braunmiller)
*Leg 6 (OC1409B), 6 Sept - 25 Sept (Trehu/Livelybrooks)

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