2015-01-05 18:39:46
Happy New Year! Just wanted to inform you that the deadline for this symposium is fast approaching. I was in the MGLS class of 2013, and it was the most transformative workshop I’ve ever been a part of. The people I met at this workshop became collaborators and friends.
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From: Scientific Ocean Drilling News <iodpnews<at>lists.oceanleadership.org>
Subject: [IODP News] Deadline Approaching: 2015 Marine Geoscience Leadership Symposium
Date: January 5, 2015 at 10:36:42 AM EST
To: Scientific Ocean Drilling News <iodpnews<at>lists.oceanleadership.org>
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Marine Geoscience Leadership Symposium
March 16-20, 2015; Washington, DC
The deadline to apply for the 2015 Marine Geoscience Leadership Symposium has been extended to January 8, 2015.
As global headlines focus on climate change, ocean acidification, and tsunamis, marine geoscientists stand well positioned to serve the needs of society while pushing the frontiers of scientific research. To solve these challenges and forge the necessary links between science and society, marine geoscientists must reach beyond their individual laboratories, form interdisciplinary collaborations, and communicate their discoveries to the public and policymakers. The Marine Geoscience Leadership Symposium introduces these skills to early career marine geoscientists. Participants will engage in small group discussions, participate in proposal workshops, and meet with funding agencies, media representatives, and policymakers. The symposium will provide leadership and communications training and begin the process of forming interdisciplinary research collaborations.
Applicants may be from any subfield of marine geology or geophysics and should have completed their Ph.D. between December 2011 and December 2014. Selected participants will receive full participation support. International applicants may be considered. For more information, visit http://www.oceanleadership.org/mgls.
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