Thread: Trying to install SAC in Ubuntu

Started: 2016-06-08 01:46:37
Last activity: 2016-06-08 13:35:35
Topics: SAC Help
Hugo Loyola
2016-06-08 01:46:37
I am doing as follows:

#The first step is to expand the .tar.gz file
#and I get this
# /home/hugo/Sismos/sac

#at the ~/sac/bin I have files
#sacinit.csh and

#the README instructions say: ... and the sacinit file is modified accordingly.

#In the bin folder I have sacinit.csh and, in these two files I did:

setenv SACHOME /home/hugo/Sismos/sac #at sacinit.csh

export SACHOME=/home/hugo/Sismos/sac #at

#then gedit ~/.cshrc adding the lines
setenv SACHOME /home/hugo/Sismos/sac
source ${SACHOME}/bin/sacinit.csh

#After saving and exiting the file, enter
source ~/.cshrc
#and happen this:
No command 'setenv' found, did you mean:
Command 'netenv' from package 'netenv' (universe)
setenv: command not found
bash: /bin/sacinit.csh: No such file or directory

#also I did:
gedit ~/.bashrc

#and add to last the lines:
export SACHOME=/home/hugo/Sismos/sac
. ${SACHOME}/bin/

#then saving and exiting the file

#then . ~/.bashrc

#and happen
bash: ./home/hugo/Sismos/sac/bin/ No such file or directory

After all these steps, still I do not get SAC working, please, any suggestions
  • Milton Plasencia
    2016-06-08 13:35:35
    let see your steps:
    See below

    On Jun 8, 2016, at 03:46, Hugo Loyola <hugoe.loyolat<at>> wrote:

    I am doing as follows:

    #The first step is to expand the .tar.gz file
    #and I get this
    # /home/hugo/Sismos/sac

    #at the ~/sac/bin I have files
    #sacinit.csh and
    Ubuntu, as other Linux use bash shell, so you must use
    remember that must have executable permission, so in the directory /home/hugo/Sismos/sac/bin run the command:
    chmod +x

    #the README instructions say: ... and the sacinit file is modified accordingly.
    Depending where was untar the the distribution

    #In the bin folder I have sacinit.csh and, in these two files I did:

    setenv SACHOME /home/hugo/Sismos/sac #at sacinit.csh
    not will be used, setenv is used in other Unix systems (Sun etc)

    export SACHOME=/home/hugo/Sismos/sac #at
    OK, but here also you must also set the other variables as my anterior e-mail, in your case
    export SACHOME=/home/hugo/Sismos/sac
    export PATH=${PATH}:${SACHOME}/bin
    export SACAUX=${SACHOME}/aux

    #then gedit ~/.cshrc adding the lines
    setenv SACHOME /home/hugo/Sismos/sac
    replace by:
    export SACHOME=/home/hugo/Sismos/sac

    source ${SACHOME}/bin/sacinit.csh
    replace by:
    source ${SACHOME}/bin/
    source /home/hugo/Sismos/sac/bin/

    #After saving and exiting the file, enter
    source ~/.cshrc

    #and happen this:
    No command 'setenv' found, did you mean:
    Correct, your Linux not known the setenv command
    Command 'netenv' from package 'netenv' (universe)
    setenv: command not found
    The same as anterior
    bash: /bin/sacinit.csh: No such file or directory
    perhaps sacinit.csh is not executable, but you must to use

    #also I did:
    gedit ~/.bashrc

    #and add to last the lines:
    export SACHOME=/home/hugo/Sismos/sac
    . ${SACHOME}/bin/
    OK, but between the dot and $ must be a blank

    #then saving and exiting the file

    #then . ~/.bashrc
    Also here . ~/.bashrc

    #and happen
    bash: ./home/hugo/Sismos/sac/bin/ No such file or directory
    Here or is not in the PATH or it is not executable.



    After all these steps, still I do not get SAC working, please, any suggestions

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