Thread: sac 'mat' function on mac?

Started: 2007-11-15 02:27:55
Last activity: 2007-11-15 02:27:55
Topics: SAC Help
2007-11-15 02:27:55
I am running Sac v101.1 on a Mac PPC G4 with OSX v10.4.10.

Does anyone know if the sac command 'mat' works on Macintosh
computers (with Sac v101.1 Mac PPC OSX version), and if
so, could you send me an example of using it?

This is what I got when I tried to run it.
First I read in some seismograms, then
SAC> mat testmat1.mat SACdata SeisData
Mfile specified is: testmat1.mat
ERROR 8002: Cannot link to MATLAB shared object:

or if I try a more interactive approach

SAC> mat
ERROR 8002: Cannot link to MATLAB shared object:

I am using MATLAB v7.4

Thanks very much,

Anne Sheehan

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