SSA is now accepting Special Session proposals for the 2017 Annual Meeting,
scheduled for 18-20 April in Denver, Colorado.
October 1 is the deadline to submit session proposals.
The program committee encourages the seismological community to help make
2017 an extraordinary SSA meeting by organizing sessions related to
cutting-edge research, methodology and technology developments. Sessions are
encouraged from across the broad fields of earthquake science, geotechnical
and earthquake engineering, and seismology.
Submission Process
Please use the online submission form
_Proposals&-format=meetings/2017/session_proposals/submit.html&-view> to
submit your proposal no later than 1 October 2016. Submit session titles, a
1-2 paragraph description and at least one convener for each proposed
For questions about proposing a session, contact the program chairs at
2017program<at> <2017Program<at>> . The list of
sessions will be published online by November 1, 2016.
More information about the meeting and the submission process can be found
on the 2017 SSA Annual Meeting website.
This year's Program Committee includes:
* Co-Chair Rich Briggs - USGS
* Co-Chair Gavin Hayes - USGS
* Rick Aster - Colorado State, Fort Collins, CO
* Shideh Dashti - Colorado University, Boulder, CO
* Whitney Trainor-Guitton - Colorado School of Mines
* Christine Puskas - UNAVCO, Boulder, CO
* Mark Zellman - Fugro Consultants, Lakewood, CO
scheduled for 18-20 April in Denver, Colorado.
October 1 is the deadline to submit session proposals.
The program committee encourages the seismological community to help make
2017 an extraordinary SSA meeting by organizing sessions related to
cutting-edge research, methodology and technology developments. Sessions are
encouraged from across the broad fields of earthquake science, geotechnical
and earthquake engineering, and seismology.
Submission Process
Please use the online submission form
_Proposals&-format=meetings/2017/session_proposals/submit.html&-view> to
submit your proposal no later than 1 October 2016. Submit session titles, a
1-2 paragraph description and at least one convener for each proposed
For questions about proposing a session, contact the program chairs at
2017program<at> <2017Program<at>> . The list of
sessions will be published online by November 1, 2016.
More information about the meeting and the submission process can be found
on the 2017 SSA Annual Meeting website.
This year's Program Committee includes:
* Co-Chair Rich Briggs - USGS
* Co-Chair Gavin Hayes - USGS
* Rick Aster - Colorado State, Fort Collins, CO
* Shideh Dashti - Colorado University, Boulder, CO
* Whitney Trainor-Guitton - Colorado School of Mines
* Christine Puskas - UNAVCO, Boulder, CO
* Mark Zellman - Fugro Consultants, Lakewood, CO