Thread: 2016 ES-SSA Annual Meeting, Oct 23­ - 26

Started: 2016-08-24 16:48:18
Last activity: 2016-08-24 16:48:18
Topics: SSA Meetings
IRIS Webmaster
2016-08-24 16:48:18
Forwarded on behalf of:
Oliver Boyd

Please join us for

From the Mantle to the Surface:
A Joint Meeting of the Eastern Section of SSA and NGA-East

23–26 October 2016
Reston, Virginia, USA
Sheraton Hotel

The meeting will take place in Reston, Virginia, which is minutes from Dulles Airport and has easy access to Washington DC.

Activities include:

-A field trip on October 23 that will provide an overview of Washington, DC, geology and its effect on ground motions in the city, as well as visits to the Washington Monument and National Cathedral to discuss the damage from the 2011 earthquake and the repairs to those structures.

-A special session on the regional geologic setting of the 2011 earthquake, as well as sessions featuring presentations on topics ranging from insights derived from USArray to the latest on NGA-East, the central and eastern United States ground motion characterization project.

-A Monday night banquet dinner with featured speaker Terrence Paret, Senior Principal at Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc., who helped oversee repairs to several major building in the Washington DC area following the 2011 earthquake, as well as other projects worldwide.

-A special NGA-East session at which the project team will summarize the model building process and discuss the products. This will be followed by discussions of research needs for the CEUS.

** Important Upcoming Dates **
- Student Travel Grant Application Deadline: 26 August 2016
- Hotel Room Block Reservation Cutoff: 2 September 2016
- Abstract Submission Deadline: 2 September 2016
- Online Discount Registration Deadline: 23 September 2016
- Final Online Registration Deadline: 21 October 2016

For more information and to register and submit abstracts, please visit

or contact the program chairs Thomas Pratt, Oliver Boyd, and Christine Goulet (easternsectionmeeting<at>

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