Thread: Postdoctoral fellowship in Space Geodesy-Seismology

Started: 2016-09-05 12:22:32
Last activity: 2016-09-05 12:22:32
Icaro Vitorello
2016-09-05 12:22:32
Institution: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais INPE/Brazil
Open Until: 2016-12-31

Candidates are invited to apply for a postdoctoral fellowship with a focus on time series analysis of data from a dual-frequency GNSS array of at least 50 permanent stations, in conjunction with seismic and gravity data, within a wide transect crossing sedimentary basins located to the east of the Andean Orogeny, in southeast and center west Brazil. Required tasks will consist of monitoring differential horizontal displacements, vertical motions (uplift/subsidence) and solid Earth tide motions at ground-fixed sites, after pre-processing procedures to correct for common errors and disturbances in orbit, signal delays through the ionosphere and troposphere, effects of tides and of subsurface hydrological load mass changes. Dynamic geodetic models of ground displacements and deformations linked to seismological and gravitational information will be used to infer the rheology and tectonic structure of the underlying lithosphere, as well as other correlations to be attempted with elastic thickness, plate undulation, brittle crustal layer, seismogenic layer thickness, structural grain and deep mechanical coupling of the crust. The work will be conducted at INPE`s Space Geophysics Department ( in São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil (, complementing inter-disciplinary studies of the thematic project (Pantanal-­Chaco-­Paraná Basins: Crust and Upper Mantle Seismic Structure and Evolution) detailed at the site. The approved fellowship from FAPESP ( consists of an initial two-year appointment followed by an extension of two more possible periods of one year each, contingent on mutual interests and performance. Besides the monthly stipend, there are funds for family moving and round-trip tickets, and to attend scientific meetings. Candidates with a Ph.D. degree, awarded within 7 years of date of appointment, and having a strong background in processing, analyses and applications of GNSS data are encouraged to apply by submitting online a CV that shows their current research record in geodesy and one-page text describing their interest, motivation, and potential contribution to this research project, and a list of three references for recommendations. Appointment may begin as early as January, 2017. Review of applications will start in September 2016 and may continue until the position is filled. Send emails to icaro.vitorello<at> for additional information on the research, the fellowship and application process.
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