The School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Tech invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in solid-earth geosciences, broadly defined. This includes, but is not exclusive to, research focuses in tectonophysics, electric field methods, quantitative geomorphology, rock mechanics, physical petrology, hydrology, seismology, geodynamics, geodesy, volcanology, glaciology, marine geophysics and processes related to geologic hazards. Applicants at the Assistant Professor level are sought, although outstanding individuals at all levels will be considered. We seek individuals who are interested in working in a dynamic interdisciplinary environment that includes geophysics, planetary sciences, geochemistry and geobiology, atmospheric science, oceanography, and paleoclimatology.
The Georgia Institute of Technology, located in the comfortable, diverse, and thriving metropolis of Atlanta, is consistently a top ranked educational and research institution. Georgia Tech prides itself on its engineering resources and collaborations, and its quantitative and rigorous undergraduate student body. The School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences currently has 29 faculty members, 11 post-doctoral fellows and 96 graduate students, and has excellent facilities in the 265,000 square-foot Environmental Science and Technology Building. For more information about our School and academic programs, visit Applicants should send an application letter, curriculum vitae, a statement of research and teaching interests, and the names and contact information for at least three references. Application materials should be submitted as PDF files to . Requests for information, including pre-application enquiries from senior candidates, should be directed to geophysics_search<at> Applications will be considered beginning December 1, 2016 but the search will continue until the positions are filled. An earned doctorate is required by the start of the appointment. Georgia Institute of Technology is an equal education/employment opportunity institution.
Andrew V. Newman anewman<at><anewman<at>>
Associate Professor
School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Georgia Institute of Technology
311 Ferst Drive Office: 404-894-3976
ES&T Room 2254 Fax: 404-894-5638
Atlanta, GA 30332-0340
The Georgia Institute of Technology, located in the comfortable, diverse, and thriving metropolis of Atlanta, is consistently a top ranked educational and research institution. Georgia Tech prides itself on its engineering resources and collaborations, and its quantitative and rigorous undergraduate student body. The School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences currently has 29 faculty members, 11 post-doctoral fellows and 96 graduate students, and has excellent facilities in the 265,000 square-foot Environmental Science and Technology Building. For more information about our School and academic programs, visit Applicants should send an application letter, curriculum vitae, a statement of research and teaching interests, and the names and contact information for at least three references. Application materials should be submitted as PDF files to . Requests for information, including pre-application enquiries from senior candidates, should be directed to geophysics_search<at> Applications will be considered beginning December 1, 2016 but the search will continue until the positions are filled. An earned doctorate is required by the start of the appointment. Georgia Institute of Technology is an equal education/employment opportunity institution.
Andrew V. Newman anewman<at><anewman<at>>
Associate Professor
School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Georgia Institute of Technology
311 Ferst Drive Office: 404-894-3976
ES&T Room 2254 Fax: 404-894-5638
Atlanta, GA 30332-0340