Thread: Canadian Margin and Cordillera Workshop, Nov. 28 deadline

Started: 2016-11-16 21:07:22
Last activity: 2016-11-16 21:07:22
Topics: AGU Meetings
Hi listserv administrators. Could you please forward our reminder email to your lists? Thanks, Derek


Hi All,

This is a friendly reminder to register by November 28 if you are interested in discussing the opportunities in an Earthscope-like deployment on the western Canadian Margin.

An AGU workshop has been coordinated to solicit interest and collaboration for a new research initiative intended to continue an Earthscope-like instrumentation from the Beaufort Sea to the US border along the Canadian Cordillera.

GeoPRISMS initiatives in Cascadia and Alaska along with other recent projects in the north Pacific region have changed our understanding of the region’s tectonics. This workshop will provide a timely opportunity for a broad group of U.S. and Canadian researchers to discuss scientific motivations and prospective implementation strategies to instrument and study the ~2500-km Western Canadian plate boundary (lying between the conterminous U.S. and Alaska/Yukon EarthScope deployments and bridging two GeoPRISMS focus areas) with an EarthScope-comparable large-scale terrestrial/marine seismic and GPS network during the next ten years. The proposed CCArray would include new broadband seismic and continuous GPS stations throughout the region between the Beaufort Sea in the Arctic to the borders with the US.

For more information please refer to the detailed summary below and/or the website

Regards, Derek Schutt, Rick Aster, Julie Eliot, Roy Hyndman, Katherine Boggs, Dave Eaton, Pascal Audet, Mike Schmidt (in no particular order)

Investigating the Western Canada Plate Boundary with a Large-Scale Canadian Cordillera Seismic Array and GPS Network (CCArray)
A GeoPRISMS Pre-AGU Mini-workshop

When: Sunday 11 December (08:00 to 13:00)

Where: Union Square Room (36th Floor); Grand Hyatt Hotel, San Francisco, 345 Stockton Street

GeoPRISMS initiatives in Cascadia and Alaska along with other recent projects in the north Pacific region have changed our understanding of the region’s tectonics. This workshop will provide a timely opportunity for a broad group of U.S. and Canadian researchers to discuss scientific motivations and prospective implementation strategies to instrument and study the ~2500-km Western Canadian plate boundary (lying between the conterminous U.S. and Alaska/Yukon EarthScope deployments and bridging two GeoPRISMS focus areas) with an EarthScope-comparable large-scale terrestrial/marine seismic and GPS network during the next ten years. The proposed CCArray would include new broadband seismic and continuous GPS stations throughout the region between the Beaufort Sea in the Arctic to the borders with the US.

Workshop Goals.

• Discuss GeoPRISMS and any other world-classs science goals that can be addressed by augmenting existing EarthScope and Canadian networks in the area spanning from the Pacific Northwest (WA, OR, MT, ID) through British Columbia, Yukon, NWT, and
• Discuss the instrumentation needed to address the various science goals;
• Outline possible high scientific value pilot projects;
• Inform the wider community about the outcomes and findings of the three Canadian EarthsCAN workshops;
• Build new interdisciplinary community ties, and encourage the interest of new researchers;
• Provide a list of recommendations for scientific goals and instrumentation as well as a summary of white paper that build on the work done in the three Canadian workshops.

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