Thread: EGU 2017: Real-Time Seismology and Earthquake Early Warning (SM 9.1)

Started: 2016-12-28 20:18:09
Last activity: 2016-12-28 20:18:09
Topics: EGU Meetings
Dear Colleague,

This message is to encourage you to contribute with a presentation to
the session on

*Real time seismology and earthquake early warning* (SM9.1)

at the next EGU Meeting, 23 - 28 April 2017, to be held in Vienna,
Austria (

A description of the session is provided below. Feel free to forward
this email to anyone else who may be interested.

We invite contributions in the field of real-time seismology concerning
new developments, application and real-world results for early warning,
inducing fast estimation of earthquake source parameters and rapid
assessment and diffusion of expected earthquake impacts such as
distribution and intensity of ground shaking, and tsunami potential.

Deadline for receipt of abstracts is 11January 2017.

The conveners are Aldo Zollo (University of Naples Federico II, Italy),
Anthony Lomax (ALomax Scientific, France) and John Clinton, ETHZ, Swiss
Seismological Service, Switzerland

Thank you and see you in Vienna !

Aldo Zollo, Anthony Lomax, John Clinton

*Session Details*
Four decades after the first deployment of digital seismographs, it is
now commonplace to have continuous seismic waveform data available in
real- and near-real time from dense seismic arrays that target many of
active volcanic and tectonic regions worldwide. The data is recorded
using very broadband sensors with high dynamic range which are digitally
telemetered to processing hubs with minimum latency, and signals are
evaluated using automatic or semi-automatic procedures. Recent years
have also seen rapid progress on providing real time ground motion
streams from high rate GNSS stations.
Providing rapid and reliable information on earthquake source parameters
and the consequent predicted or observed ground shaking, as soon as
possible following the initiation of potentially damaging events, is
nowadays an increasingly urgent societal demand, as a consequence of the
increased exposure and vulnerability of highly populated urban
settlements and infrastructure complexity.
Real time earthquake information systems consist of complex software and
hardware capable of acquiring, processing and interpreting seismic and
other e.g. GPS data within a well defined timeframe that is related to
the earthquake phenomena or interest and to the characteristics of the
monitoring network. The time scale involved in real time seismology
spans from seconds for early warning, minutes for ground motion mapping
systems, and up to hours for large scale, global earthquake and tsunami
warning networks.
This symposium is open to researchers in the field of real time
seismology who intend to contribute with new methodological/experimental
developments and examples of application both for the fast estimation of
earthquake source parameters (location, magnitude, mechanism, rupture
size and orientation, slip distribution, …) and the rapid assessment of
the potential damage for an earthquake through reliable ground motion
estimation. Contributions on analyses and methods applied to monitor the
earthquake phenomena using multi-disciplinary real-time data sets are
especially welcome.



*Anthony Lomax*
*320 Chemin des Indes, 06370 Mouans-Sartoux, France*
*tel: +33 (0)4 92 92 29 79 e-mail: anthony<at>
<anthony<at>> web: *

*Twitter: * *@ALomaxNet*
*Blog: * *Quake Stories*
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